hugo-theme-ztyblog copied to clipboard
This Hugo theme provides many functions which can help you build a well-organized personal site.
ZTY-Blog Theme
General inforamtions
This theme was highly inspired by the This theme provides many functions which can help you build a well-organized personal site.
Demo under building. You can see this site for a referrence.
We provide specific rendering for following modules, for each you can find examples in archetypes
Blog: This is the place where you can organize your posts in timeline.
- group by month
- banner: constume banners and preview image can be customed
- comments: you can enable comments with disquz
- math render: you can open or close katex render in global as well as in specific post
Notes: This is the place where you can organize your notes for class.
- group by lessons
- sidebar: a sidebar listing all your notes
- print all: one button to print all your notes for one lesson
Slides/Resources: This is the place where you can post your md-slides with remarkjs and other resources
- remarkjs auto-rendered with qrcode
- add other resources such as .pptx and .pdf to the list
Bangumi: This is the place where you can share your watched bangumi with others
- group by year/seaon
Friends: you can add your friend links here
About: you can add your infomation here
Search: search the whole site
Portal: a portal for your favourite links
How to start
You can download the theme manually by going to and pasting it to themes/ztyblog
in your root directory.
You can also clone it directly to your Hugo folder:
$ git clone
If you don't want to make any radical changes, it's the best option, because you can get new updates when they are available. To do so, include it as a git submodule:
$ git submodule add themes/ztyblog
Use RealFaviconGenerator to generate these files, put them into your site's static/icons
- android-chrome-192x192.png
- android-chrome-512x512.png
- apple-touch-icon.png
- favicon-16x16.png
- favicon-32x32.png
- favicon.ico
- mstile-150x150.png
- safari-pinned-tab.svg
- site.webmanifest
How to configure
The theme doesn't require any advanced configuration. You can refer to the file config.toml.example
If you choose CDN for third-part function, which is recommended, you only need to set useCDN=true
in your setting. Otherwise, you have to run npm install
and use ./load
to add dependency.
To auto generate information of git commit, add following line to your
gsed -i "/localcommithash/c \\\tlocalcommithash = \"$(git rev-parse HEAD)\"" config.toml
gsed -i "/localcommitdate/c \\\tlocalcommitdate = \"$(git log --pretty=format:"%cd" $(git rev-parse HEAD) -1)\"" config.toml
gsed -i "/localcommitcomment/c \\\tlocalcommitcomment = \"$(git log --pretty=format:"%s" $(git rev-parse HEAD) -1)\"" config.toml
cd public
gsed -i "/binarycommitdate/c \\\tbinarycommitdate = \"$(git log --pretty=format:"%cd" $(git rev-parse HEAD) -1)\"" ../config.toml
cd ..
Available Social Icons
- github
If you need another one, just open an issue or create a pull request with your wished icon. :)
How to contribute
If you spot any bugs, please use Issue Tracker or if you want to add a new feature directly please create a new Pull Request.
Third Party
- Animate.css, MIT License
- Bootstrap 4, MIT License
- Bootswatch, MIT License
- Fuse.js, Apache License
- Iconfont, Iconfont 法律声明
- jQuery, jQuery License
- KaTeX, MIT License
- Leonsans, MIT License
- Mark.js, MIT License
- Normalize.css, MIT License
- qrcode.js, MIT License
- Remark, MIT License
The theme is released under the MIT License.