darknet-yolo-segmentation copied to clipboard
cannot load image "*****.txt"
I followed this steps for trainging the pretrained model on my dataset
1)put label images(0-1) and original images(RGB) together:(_seg.bmp+_img.jpg)
2)modified in find_replace fonction ( find_replace(labelpath, "_img.jpg", "_seg.bmp", labelpath);)
3) generate the train.list file(path for the RGB image)
4)generate the .data file
5)modified in .cfg file
6) start train
!./darknet segmenter train data/obj.data cfg/segment.cfg segment.backup -gpus 0.
//////////But i got an error
cannot load image "/content/yolo_segmentation/project/C39_S1_I8_img.txt"
STB Reason:can't fopen
Any help, please
@essalahsouad, cannot load image "/content/yolo_segmentation/project/C39_S1_I8_img.txt", that means "/content/yolo_segmentation/project/C39_S1_I8_img.txt" should be a picture, and this error belong to coding debug, you can use some command like "grep -rn "cannot load image"" to find where the source of error is.
I have the same problem . How to solve this ? Did you make an update for project that solving this bug ?
I have the same problem, did you guys figured out what's going on here?
Problem solved, the root cause is find_replace in the image load_image_gray function was trying to change my path name...