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File missing?
Dear author:
When I tried to compile your BVLC_Caffe, I encountered a bug which told me that "caffe/layers/log_layer. hpp " was missing. I downloaded it from GITHUB of BVLC and covered it with your version. After that, I successfully compiled Caffe.
I'm not sure if this is a bug or if there's something wrong with my operation.
Thanks a lot!
当我尝试去编译你的BVLC_CAFFE时,我遇到了一个bug,它提示我缺少了 "caffe/layers/log_layer.hpp"这个文件,我从BVLC的GITHUB上下载了CAFFE并用你们的版本覆盖他的版本后,我成功的编译了CAFFE。不知道这是不是一个问题? 顺便感谢~
thanks. I will check.
Thanks for your reply.