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How to convert the prediction_R to a RGB image?
I want to show the reflectance image correctlly. How to proccess the prediction_R got by
prediction_S, prediction_R, rgb_s = self.netG.forward(input_images)
Thanks for your help!
I have the same question, have you solved it?
We're trying to use this code here and ran into the same issue, does anyone have an answer yet?
I know that prediction_S and prediction_R are two four dimensional tensors and each dimension probably means each one of the 16 images in a batch, the width, the height and each one of the 3 color channels, but they seem to be transformed in some way I can't quite decipher yet . Apparently some of those transformations are undone in the JointLoss class (in models.networks.py)
` def call(self, input_images, prediction_S, prediction_R, _rgb_s, targets, data_set_name, epoch): num_images = prediction_S.size(0) # must be even number mid_point = num_images/2
# undo gamma correction
prediction_S = prediction_S / 0.4545
prediction_R = prediction_R / 0.4545
_rgb_s = _rgb_s / 0.4545
rgb_s = _rgb_s.unsqueeze(2)
rgb_s = rgb_s.unsqueeze(3)
rgb_s = rgb_s.repeat(1,1, prediction_S.size(2), prediction_S.size(3))
prediction_Sr = prediction_S.repeat(1,3,1,1)
prediction_Sr = prediction_Sr + rgb_s
# downsample using bilinear inteporlation
# down_sample = nn.AvgPool2d(2, stride=2)
# prediction_S_1 = down_sample(prediction_S)
# prediction_S_2 = down_sample(prediction_S_1)
# prediction_S_3 = down_sample(prediction_S_2)
# downsample using NN
prediction_S_1 = prediction_S[:,:,::2,::2]
prediction_S_2 = prediction_S_1[:,:,::2,::2]
prediction_S_3 = prediction_S_2[:,:,::2,::2]
rc_loss = self.w_rc * self.MultiViewRefConsistencyLoss(prediction_R,targets)
rl_loss = self.w_cy * self.MultiViewRelightingLoss(input_images, prediction_R, prediction_Sr, targets)
# multi-scale shading smoothness term
ss_loss = self.w_ss * self.LocalShadSmoothenessLoss(prediction_S, targets,0)
ss_loss = ss_loss + 0.5 * self.w_ss * self.LocalShadSmoothenessLoss(prediction_S_1, targets,1)
ss_loss = ss_loss + 0.3333 * self.w_ss * self.LocalShadSmoothenessLoss(prediction_S_2, targets,2)
ss_loss = ss_loss + 0.25 * self.w_ss * self.LocalShadSmoothenessLoss(prediction_S_3, targets,3)
# spatial-temporal densely connected smoothness term
rs_loss = self.w_rs_dense * self.SpatialTemporalBilateralRefSmoothnessLoss(prediction_R, targets, 'R' ,5)
shading_color_loss = self.w_regularization * self.ShadingPenaltyLoss(prediction_S)
print("ss loss", ss_loss.data[0])
print("rs_loss", rs_loss.data[0])
print("rl_loss loss", rl_loss.data[0])
print("rc_loss loss", rc_loss.data[0])
print("regularization loss ", shading_color_loss.data[0])
total_loss = ss_loss + rs_loss + rl_loss + rc_loss + shading_color_loss
self.total_loss = total_loss
return total_loss.data[0]
We're currently studying this code and the related paper in my lab so I'll probably make some progress soon and will post it here for you guys if I do. My guess is it shouldn't be that complicated since they show those reflectance and shading images in the paper :)
Keep in mind also as they stated at the start of section 5 in the paper, they deal with the images in the logarithmic domain, so maybe we also need to undo this logarithm.
Did you solve this problem?