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InstantRecyclerView copied to clipboard

A library that helps to implement a complex list with RecyclerView.(RecyclerView使用的封装与优化,帮助你快速利用RecyclerView构建复杂列表)


A library that helps to implement a complex list with RecyclerView

How to use

Step1: Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:

allprojects {
		repositories {
			maven { url '' }

Step2: Add the dependency

dependencies {
	        compile 'com.github.zhengcx:InstantRecyclerView:v1.1'

Step3: Just create a adapter which extends SuperAdapter and set up some configuration. Specific can reference demo.

 private MainListAdapter createAdapter() {
        mMainListAdapter = new MainListAdapter();
                .setLoadingMoreView(new DefaultLoadMoreView(rvMain))
                .setOnLoadMoreListener(rvMain, false, this);
        return mMainListAdapter;

Why to use InstantRecyclerView


  • Solved a repeated global refresh. 解决重复的全局刷新

  • Improving the efficiency and performance of adding and deletions header/Footer. 提高增删header/Footer的效率和性能

  • Make the list of multiple itemType code clear. 使多itemType的列表代码清晰解耦

  • Solved the problem of overdrawing by state View. 解决状态View导致过度绘制的问题(如loadingView、Loadfailed view、emptyData view)

  • Provide functions for pullup loading more.(Two different kinds of listeners. 集成提供两种上拉加载更多监听

  • Solved the problem of repeated binding of item click events. 解决item的点击事件重复绑定的问题

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