VolcAddons copied to clipboard
ChatTriggers module for Hypixel Skyblock!
Table of Contents
- Website
- Setup
- Commands
- Features
You can also view this page on the VolcAddons website.
Before Installation:
Install Forge: Ensure that you have Forge installed to enable mod compatibility.
Install ChatTriggers: You'll need ChatTriggers installed for advanced in-game functionality.
Choices: Choose one of the two options below to follow.
Forge Installation:
Download: Download the VolcAddons-1.1.jar file.
Integration: Drag into Minecraft mods folder (NOT the CT modules folder).
El Fin v1: You should be good to go! The mod will alert you if there is ever a new release in which you can just run
Manual Installation:
Download: Get the zip file, available either on our Discord server or through GitHub Releases.
Unzip: Extract the downloaded zip file. You should now see a folder named "VolcAddons".
Accessing ChatTriggers: Launch Minecraft and enter the command
/ct files
(you can also find this by going into ChatTriggers through the Minecraft configs path) -
Integration: Return to the unzipped folder.
Module Replacement: Drag the VolcAddons folder into the "modules" folder.
Confirmation: If a pop-up appears, select "replace".
El Fin v2: Now just type
/ct load
and your job is done!
After you finish installing, go check out some other useful SkyBlock mods: https://sbmw.ca/mod-lists/skyblock-mod-list/!
General Commands
/va gui
: Allows user to move all active GUI locations. -
/va help
: Prints out the command help menu in game chat. -
/va settings
: Opens the settings' menu. -
/va toggles
: Opens the setting toggles' menu. -
/va version
: Checks if you are currently on latest version and prints out changelog.
/va cat
: Controls Montezuma Soul Piece location waypoints. -
/va enigma
: Controls Enigma Soul location waypoints. -
/va npc
: Creates waypoints to user inputted rift NPCs. -
/va zone
: Creates waypoints to user inputted rift locations. -
/va waypoint
: Creates waypoints to user inputted coordinates.
/va cd
: Tracks the cooldown of items using user inputted times. -
/va blacklist
: Block users from using leader/party commands. -
/va emotelist
: Set words to replace in user sent messages. -
/va warplist
: Set locations in which Diana burrow warp uses. -
/va whitelist
: Set player party invites to auto join.
/va attribute
: Various calculations that deal with attribute values. -
/va calc
: Various calculations that deal with general economical values. -
/va nw
: Calculates the networth of a SkyBlock profile using custom API.
/va splits
: Prints out Kuudra splits' stats. -
: Opens the SkyCrypt profile of inputted user.
Feature Commands
/va stats
: Prints out SkyBlock tab stats. -
/va pet
: Prints out current pet. -
/va pt
: Prints out daily playtime. -
/va sf
: Prints out current soulflow (requires accessory in inventory).
/va fps
: Prints out client's FPS. -
/va tps
: Prints out server's TPS. -
/va ping
: Prints out client's ping. -
/va pitch
: Prints out player's exact pitch. -
/va yaw
: Prints out player's exact yaw.
Leader (Used in party chat)
?<allinv, allinv>
: Toggles party all invite. -
?invite [ign]
: Invites a player to the party. -
: Demotes the sender. -
: Promotes the sender. -
?<f, m, t>[1-7]
: Runs the specified join instance command. -
?stream [num]
: Runs the stream command to open the party. -
: Transfers the party to sender. -
: Warps party into lobby.
Party (Used in party chat) -
: Calls upon the Magic 8 Ball. -?<coin, flip, coinflip, cf>
: Flips a coin. -?<coords, xyz>
: Sends coordinates of players in patcher format. -?<dice, roll>
: Rolls a 6 sided dice. -?<fps, ping, tps>
: Sends specified stat to party. -?help
: Prints out all party commands to chat. -?<limbo, lobby, l>
: Forces users to go into main lobby. -?rps
: Jan, ken, pon. -?<w, waifu, women>
: I am very quirky.
General Features
- Armor Display (
) - Equipment Display
- Remove Selfie Mode
- Render Waypoint
- Skill Tracker (
- Armor Display (
- Searchbar (
) - Slot Binding (
- Searchbar (
- Hide Far Entities
- Hide Close Players
- Hide All Particles
- Server Alert
- Server Status (
) - SkyBlock Stats Display (
- Item Cooldown Alert (
/va cd
) - Reminder Text
- Reminder Time
- Item Cooldown Alert (
- Autocorrect Commands
- Custom Emotes (
/va emote
) - Discord Webhook
- Image Viewer
Party Features
- Anti Ghost Party
- Auto Join Reparty
- Auto Transfer
- Guild Join Message
- Party Join Message
- Server Kick Announce
- Whitelist Rejoin (
/va wl
Party Commands
- Leader Chat Commands (
/va bl
) - Party Chat Commands
- Leader Chat Commands (
Economy Features
- Bits Alert
- Coin Tracker (
- Container Value (
) - Item Price (
- Container Value (
Combat Features
- Bestiary GUI
- Broodmother Detect (
) - Kill Counter (
- Combo Display (
) - Damage Tracker
- Low Health Alert
- Ragnarok Detection
- Combo Display (
Gyrokinetic Wand
- Cell Alignment Alert
- Cell Alignment Timer (
- Boss Announce
- Miniboss Announce
- Boss Highlight
- Miniboss Highlight
- Slayer Spawn Warning
Mining Features
Crystal Hollows
- Wishing Compass Locator
- 2x Powder Alert
- Powder Chest Detect (
) - Powder Chest Hider
- Powder Tracker (
Farming Features
- Jacob Reward Highlight
- Farming Discord Webhook
- Composter Display (
) - Garden Warp Override
- Garden Visitor Display (
) - Next Visitor Display (
- Composter Display (
- Infestation Alert
- Pest Alert
- Plot Highlight
- Pesthunter Display (
) - Spray Display (
Event Features
Great Spook
- Math Teacher Solver
- Primal Fear Alert
- Primal Feat Highlight
- Inquisitor Detect
- Inquisitor Announce
- Inquisitor Counter (
Mythological Ritual
- Diana Waypoint
- Diana Warp (
/va warplist
) - Burrow Detection
Crimson Isles
- Golden Fish Timer (
) - Mythic Creature Announce
- Mythic Creature Detect
- Trophy Fish Counter (
- Golden Fish Timer (
- Vanquisher Announce
- Vanquisher Auto-Warp
- Vanquisher Counter (
) - Vanquisher Detect (
Star Detect
- Star Mob Highlight
- Crate Waypoints
- Kuudra Alerts
- Kuudra HP Display
- Kuudra Spawn Announce
- Kuudra Splits (
,/va splits
) - Supply Pile Highlight
- Kuudra Profit Display (
) - Kuudra Profit Tracker (
- Kuudra Profit Display (
- DDR Helper
- Enigma Soul Waypoint
- Montezuma Soul Waypoint
- Announce Mania Phase
- Effigy Waypoint
- Enlarge Impel Message
- Vampire Attack Display (
) - Vampire Hitbox