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纯Java实现的支持W3C Xpath 1.0标准语法的HTML解析器。A html parser with xpath base on Jsoup and Antlr4. Maybe it is the best in java.Just try it.
为了便于快速识别您的问题,请认真回答以下问题,谢谢! Please answer these questions before submitting your issue. Thanks! 1. 使用的表达式与使用场景,确保能够复现(What did you do , If possible, provide a recipe for reproducing the error.)? 2. 期望看到什么(What did you expect...
为了便于快速识别您的问题,请认真回答以下问题,谢谢! Please answer these questions before submitting your issue. Thanks! 1. 使用的表达式与使用场景,确保能够复现(What did you do , If possible, provide a recipe for reproducing the error.)? selN("//div[child::h1[contains(text(),'t2')]]/h2/text()") selNOne("//div[child::h1[contains(text(),'t2')]]/h2/text()") selN("//div[child::h1[contains(text(),'t2')]][0]/h2/text()") 2. 期望看到什么(What...
目前JsoupXpath内置了使用频率非常的高的一些Xpath函数,应该可以覆盖大家的常用使用场景,但是仍有部分Xpath1.0语法中的小众标准函数尚未提供。希望大家能够群策群力,可以完成这些小众标准函数,或者你认为很优秀的适合推介给大家的你的自定义函数。 ## 开发者添加内置函数方法 ## `org.seimicrawler.xpath.core.function`目录下,实现 `org.seimicrawler.xpath.core.Function`接口,并在`org.seimicrawler.xpath.util.Scanner`中的`initFunction`中进行注册。这里是添加内置函数,所以和在第三方项目中添加自定义函数的注册方式是有区别的。 ## 约定 ## - 参考现有内置函数命名和注释规范,给出完整注释 - 符合 http://www.w3.org/TR/1999/REC-xpath-19991116 规范要求 - 对应函数必须在`org.seimicrawler.xpath.JXDocumentTest`提供有效AutoTest - `README.md`和`README_EN.md`中,函数部分添加对应描述和介绍 - `NodeTest`结构不建议调整
Bumps [jsoup](https://github.com/jhy/jsoup) from 1.14.2 to 1.15.3. Release notes Sourced from jsoup's releases. jsoup 1.15.3 jsoup 1.15.3 is out now, and includes a security fix for potential XSS attacks, along with...
Bumps [ch.qos.logback:logback-classic](https://github.com/qos-ch/logback) from 1.2.10 to 1.2.13. Commits 2648b9e prepare release 1.2.13 bb09515 fix CVE-2023-6378 4573294 start work on 1.2.13-SNAPSHOT a388193 Merge branch 'branch_1.2.x' of github.com:qos-ch/logback into branch_1.2.x de44dc4 prepare release...
Bumps [ch.qos.logback:logback-core](https://github.com/qos-ch/logback) from 1.2.10 to 1.2.13. Commits 2648b9e prepare release 1.2.13 bb09515 fix CVE-2023-6378 4573294 start work on 1.2.13-SNAPSHOT a388193 Merge branch 'branch_1.2.x' of github.com:qos-ch/logback into branch_1.2.x de44dc4 prepare release...
为了便于快速识别您的问题,请认真回答以下问题,谢谢! Please answer these questions before submitting your issue. Thanks! 1. 使用的表达式与使用场景,确保能够复现(What did you do , If possible, provide a recipe for reproducing the error.)? 安卓的页面标签 2. 期望看到什么(What did you...
为了便于快速识别您的问题,请认真回答以下问题,谢谢! Please answer these questions before submitting your issue. Thanks! 1. 使用的表达式与使用场景,确保能够复现(What did you do , If possible, provide a recipe for reproducing the error.)? > 使用Jsoup抓取网页的一个script中的json内容 > 表达式://script[contains(text(),'player_aa')]/text() >...
为了便于快速识别您的问题,请认真回答以下问题,谢谢! Please answer these questions before submitting your issue. Thanks! 1. 使用的表达式与使用场景,确保能够复现(What did you do , If possible, provide a recipe for reproducing the error.)? 我想实现boolean的内置函数,比如想判断 当前是否存在 某个属性, 如//*[boolean(@foo)] ```...