chatgpt-on-wechat copied to clipboard
- [X] 我确认我运行的是最新版本的代码,并且安装了所需的依赖,在FAQS中也未找到类似问题。
⚠️ 搜索issues中是否已存在类似问题
- [X] 我已经搜索过issues和disscussions,没有跟我遇到的问题相关的issue
python 3.8
Latest Release
复现步骤 🕹
企业微信未备案,接收消息服务器配置如下: url http://[ipv6]:9898/wxcomapp
问题描述 😯
但在企业微信中配置接收消息服务器时无法保存,出现两种提示: 1.服务器异常,请稍后再试 2.openapi回调地址请求不通过
终端日志 📒
docker logs chatgpt-on-wechat
[INFO][2023-12-28 08:08:48][] - [INIT] override config by environ args: wechatcomapp_port=9898
[INFO][2023-12-28 08:08:48][] - [INIT] override config by environ args: linkai_api_key=隐去
[INFO][2023-12-28 08:08:48][] - [INIT] override config by environ args: group_chat_prefix=["@bot"]
[INFO][2023-12-28 08:08:48][] - [INIT] override config by environ args: image_create_prefix=["画", "看", " 找"]
[INFO][2023-12-28 08:08:48][] - [INIT] override config by environ args: single_chat_reply_prefix="[bot] "
[INFO][2023-12-28 08:08:48][] - [INIT] override config by environ args: conversation_max_tokens=1000
[INFO][2023-12-28 08:08:48][] - [INIT] override config by environ args: open_ai_api_base=隐去
[INFO][2023-12-28 08:08:48][] - [INIT] override config by environ args: expires_in_seconds=3600
[INFO][2023-12-28 08:08:48][] - [INIT] override config by environ args: single_chat_prefix=["bot", "@bot"]
[INFO][2023-12-28 08:08:48][] - [INIT] override config by environ args: model=gpt-3.5-turbo
[INFO][2023-12-28 08:08:48][] - [INIT] override config by environ args: use_linkai=True
[INFO][2023-12-28 08:08:48][] - [INIT] override config by environ args: wechatcomapp_secret=隐去
[INFO][2023-12-28 08:08:48][] - [INIT] override config by environ args: proxy=
[INFO][2023-12-28 08:08:48][] - [INIT] override config by environ args: channel_type=wechatcom_app
[INFO][2023-12-28 08:08:48][] - [INIT] override config by environ args: character_desc=你是ChatGPT, 一个由OpenAI训练的大型语言模型, 你旨在回答并解决人们的任何问题,并且可以使用多种语言与人交流。
[INFO][2023-12-28 08:08:48][] - [INIT] override config by environ args: linkai_app_code=隐去
[INFO][2023-12-28 08:08:48][] - [INIT] override config by environ args: speech_recognition=False
[INFO][2023-12-28 08:08:48][] - [INIT] override config by environ args: wechatcom_corp_id=隐去
[INFO][2023-12-28 08:08:48][] - [INIT] override config by environ args: wechatcomapp_agent_id=隐去
[INFO][2023-12-28 08:08:48][] - [INIT] override config by environ args: group_name_white_list=[]
[INFO][2023-12-28 08:08:48][] - [INIT] override config by environ args: wechatcomapp_aes_key=隐去
[INFO][2023-12-28 08:08:48][] - [INIT] override config by environ args: use_global_plugin_config=True
[INFO][2023-12-28 08:08:48][] - [INIT] override config by environ args: wechatcomapp_token=隐去
[INFO][2023-12-28 08:08:48][] - [INIT] override config by environ args: open_ai_api_key=隐去
[INFO][2023-12-28 08:08:48][] - [INIT] load config: {'channel_type': 'wechatcom_app', 'model': 'gpt-3.5-turbo', 'open_ai_api_key': '隐去', 'text_to_image': 'dall-e-2', 'voice_to_text': 'openai', 'text_to_voice': 'openai', 'proxy': '', 'hot_reload': False, 'single_chat_prefix': ['bot', '@bot'], 'single_chat_reply_prefix': '[bot] ', 'group_chat_prefix': ['@bot'], 'group_name_white_list': [], 'group_chat_in_one_session': ['ChatGPT测试群'], 'image_create_prefix': ['画', '看', '找'], 'speech_recognition': False, 'group_speech_recognition': False, 'voice_reply_voice': False, 'conversation_max_tokens': 1000, 'expires_in_seconds': 3600, 'character_desc': '你是ChatGPT, 一个由OpenAI训练的大型语言模型, 你旨在回答并解决人们的任何问题,并且可以使用多种语言与人交流。', 'temperature': 0.7, 'top_p': 1, 'subscribe_msg': '感谢您的关注!\n这里是ChatGPT,可以自由对话。\n支持语音对话。\n支持图片输入。\n支持 图片输出,画字开头的消息将按要求创作图片。\n支持tool、角色扮演和文字冒险等丰富的插件。\n输入{trigger_prefix}#help 查看详细指令。', 'use_linkai': True, 'linkai_api_key': '隐去', 'linkai_app_code': 'yq', 'wechatcomapp_port': 9898, 'open_ai_api_base': 'yq', 'wechatcomapp_secret': 'yq', 'wechatcom_corp_id': 'yq', 'wechatcomapp_agent_id': yq, 'wechatcomapp_aes_key': 'yq', 'use_global_plugin_config': True, 'wechatcomapp_token': 'yq'}
[INFO][2023-12-28 08:08:48][] - [Config] User datas file not found, ignore.
[WARNING][2023-12-28 08:08:49][] - import pysilk failed, wechaty voice message will not be supported.
[INFO][2023-12-28 08:08:49][] - [wechatcom] init: corp_id: yq, secret: yq, agent_id: yq, token: yq, aes_key: yq
[INFO][2023-12-28 08:08:49][] - Loading plugins config...
[INFO][2023-12-28 08:08:49][] - Scaning plugins ...
[INFO][2023-12-28 08:08:49][] - Plugin Banwords_v1.0 registered, path=./plugins/banwords
[INFO][2023-12-28 08:08:49][] - Plugin BDunit_v0.1 registered, path=./plugins/bdunit
[INFO][2023-12-28 08:08:49][] - Plugin Dungeon_v1.0 registered, path=./plugins/dungeon
[INFO][2023-12-28 08:08:49][] - Plugin Finish_v1.0 registered, path=./plugins/finish
[INFO][2023-12-28 08:08:49][] - Plugin Godcmd_v1.0 registered, path=./plugins/godcmd
[INFO][2023-12-28 08:08:49][] - Plugin Hello_v0.1 registered, path=./plugins/hello
[INFO][2023-12-28 08:08:49][] - Plugin Keyword_v0.1 registered, path=./plugins/keyword
[INFO][2023-12-28 08:08:49][] - Plugin linkai_v0.1.0 registered, path=./plugins/linkai
[INFO][2023-12-28 08:08:49][] - Plugin Role_v1.0 registered, path=./plugins/role
chatgpt-tool-hub version: 0.4.6
[INFO][2023-12-28 08:08:49][] - Plugin tool_v0.4 registered, path=./plugins/tool
[INFO][2023-12-28 08:08:49][] - Plugin GODCMD not found in pconfig, adding to pconfig...
[INFO][2023-12-28 08:08:49][] - Plugin KEYWORD not found in pconfig, adding to pconfig...
[INFO][2023-12-28 08:08:49][] - Plugin BANWORDS not found in pconfig, adding to pconfig...
[INFO][2023-12-28 08:08:49][] - Plugin LINKAI not found in pconfig, adding to pconfig...
[INFO][2023-12-28 08:08:49][] - Plugin TOOL not found in pconfig, adding to pconfig...
[INFO][2023-12-28 08:08:49][] - Plugin ROLE not found in pconfig, adding to pconfig...
[INFO][2023-12-28 08:08:49][] - Plugin DUNGEON not found in pconfig, adding to pconfig...
[INFO][2023-12-28 08:08:49][] - Plugin BDUNIT not found in pconfig, adding to pconfig...
[INFO][2023-12-28 08:08:49][] - Plugin HELLO not found in pconfig, adding to pconfig...
[INFO][2023-12-28 08:08:49][] - Plugin FINISH not found in pconfig, adding to pconfig...
[INFO][2023-12-28 08:08:49][] - load all config from plugins/config.json: {'godcmd': {'password': '', 'admin_users': []}, 'banwords': {'action': 'replace', 'reply_filter': True, 'reply_action': 'ignore'}, 'tool': {'tools': ['python', 'url-get', 'terminal', 'meteo-weather', 'wikipedia', 'news', 'arxiv'], 'kwargs': {'top_k_results': 2, 'no_default': False, 'model_name': 'gpt-3.5-turbo'}}, 'linkai': {'group_app_map': {}, 'midjourney': {'enabled': True, 'auto_translate': True, 'img_proxy': True, 'max_tasks': 3, 'max_tasks_per_user': 1, 'use_image_create_prefix': True}, 'summary': {'enabled': True, 'group_enabled': False, 'max_file_size': 10000, 'type': ['FILE', 'SHARING']}}}
[INFO][2023-12-28 08:08:49][] - [Godcmd] 因未设置口令,本次的临时口令为yq。
[INFO][2023-12-28 08:08:49][] - [Godcmd] inited
[INFO][2023-12-28 08:08:49][] - [keyword] {}
[INFO][2023-12-28 08:08:49][] - [keyword] inited.
[WARNING][2023-12-28 08:08:49][] - [Banwords] init failed, ignore or see .
[WARNING][2023-12-28 08:08:49][] - Failed to init BANWORDS, diabled. [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/app/plugins/banwords/banwords.txt'
[INFO][2023-12-28 08:08:49][] - [LinkAI] inited, config={'group_app_map': {}, 'midjourney': {'enabled': True, 'auto_translate': True, 'img_proxy': True, 'max_tasks': 3, 'max_tasks_per_user': 1, 'use_image_create_prefix': True}, 'summary': {'enabled': True, 'group_enabled': False, 'max_file_size': 10000, 'type': ['FILE', 'SHARING']}}
[INFO][2023-12-28 08:08:49][] - [visual_dl] init failed, error_info: ModuleNotFoundError("No module named 'torch'")
[INFO][2023-12-28 08:08:49][] - [visual_dl] init failed, error_info: ModuleNotFoundError("No module named 'torch'")
[INFO][2023-12-28 08:08:49][] - proxy no find, directly request to chatgpt instead
[INFO][2023-12-28 08:08:49][] - success use customized api base url: yq
[INFO][2023-12-28 08:08:49][] - proxy no find, directly request to chatgpt instead
[INFO][2023-12-28 08:08:49][] - proxy no find, directly request to chatgpt instead
[INFO][2023-12-28 08:08:50][] - proxy no find, directly request to chatgpt instead
[INFO][2023-12-28 08:08:50][] - use_tools=['terminal', 'wikipedia', 'python', 'url-get', 'news', 'meteo-weather', 'arxiv'], params: {'debug': False, 'openai_api_key': 'yq', 'open_ai_api_base': 'yq', 'deployment_id': '', 'proxy': '', 'request_timeout': 120, 'model_name': 'gpt-3.5-turbo', 'no_default': False, 'top_k_results': 2, 'news_api_key': '', 'bing_subscription_key': '', 'google_api_key': '', 'google_cse_id': '', 'searx_search_host': '', 'wolfram_alpha_appid': '', 'morning_news_api_key': '', 'cuda_device': 'cpu', 'think_depth': 3, 'arxiv_summary': True, 'morning_news_use_llm': False, 'llm_api_key': 'yq', 'llm_api_base_url': 'yq'}
[INFO][2023-12-28 08:08:50][] - [tool] inited
[INFO][2023-12-28 08:08:50][] - [Role] inited
[INFO][2023-12-28 08:08:50][] - [Dungeon] inited
[WARNING][2023-12-28 08:08:50][] - [BDunit] init failed, ignore
[WARNING][2023-12-28 08:08:50][] - Failed to init BDUNIT, diabled. config.json not found
[INFO][2023-12-28 08:08:50][] - [Hello] inited
[INFO][2023-12-28 08:08:50][] - [Finish] inited
[INFO][2023-12-28 08:11:58][] - [wechatcom] receive params: <Storage {}>
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/web/", line 104, in __getattr__
return self[key]
KeyError: 'msg_signature'
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/web/", line 280, in process
return self.handle()
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/web/", line 271, in handle
return self._delegate(fn, self.fvars, args)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/web/", line 517, in _delegate
return handle_class(cls)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/web/", line 495, in handle_class
return tocall(*args)
File "/app/channel/wechatcom/", line 135, in GET
signature = params.msg_signature
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/web/", line 106, in __getattr__
raise AttributeError(k)
AttributeError: 'msg_signature' - - [28/Dec/2023 08:11:59] "HTTP/1.1 GET /wxcomapp" - 500 Internal Server Error
[INFO][2023-12-28 08:14:45][] - [wechatcom] receive params: <Storage {}>
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/web/", line 104, in __getattr__
return self[key]
KeyError: 'msg_signature'
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/web/", line 280, in process
return self.handle()
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/web/", line 271, in handle
return self._delegate(fn, self.fvars, args)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/web/", line 517, in _delegate
return handle_class(cls)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/web/", line 495, in handle_class
return tocall(*args)
File "/app/channel/wechatcom/", line 135, in GET
signature = params.msg_signature
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/web/", line 106, in __getattr__
raise AttributeError(k)
AttributeError: 'msg_signature' - - [28/Dec/2023 08:14:45] "HTTP/1.1 GET /wxcomapp" - 500 Internal Server Error
给一个解题思路,花10元随便买个域名,把域名给到cloudflare托管,IPV6利用cloudflare的隧道绑定到域名上面,应该就可以了。上面错误日志里面的是企业微信回调会带的信息,你这里是空,说明根本没有收到企业微信的回调。 另外通过企业微信回调的地址,并不一定要在你这台机器上,也可以利用其他有IPV4的机器部署回调,别问我怎么知道的,最近部署青龙的通知服务时用企业微信回调也是研究了半天,结果使用这个项目回调成功,直接可信IP绑定了青龙的IP,也可以成功接收到青龙的信息(我的青龙和chatgpt-on-wechat不是部署在同一个IP上),不过即使你回调成功,我估计企业微信可信IP哪里还是不能使用IPV6,所以利用cloudflare的隧道加域名应该是比较便宜且方便的办法。 不用cloudflare也可以直接用域名解析IPV6,但是那样就怕你自己的IPV6地址改变了,不稳定。 总结原理就是域名绑定: 1.IPV4利用脚本动态绑定域名 2.IPV6直接绑定域名 3.IPV6+cloudflare隧道绑定域名(这一种重启服务器不怕IP改变)
同样 的问题,但是我是ipv4并且绑定了域名