The fix helped, thanks! Yeah, I'll definitely try out LuaJIT 2, thanks for advice.
Oh, I probably bumbed into the problem described in this issue, because I didn't create this symlink: ``` ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/liblua5.1.so /usr/lib/liblua.so ``` as it was described in https://github.com/openresty/lua-nginx-module/#installation-on-ubuntu-1110.
Even though the script execution failed, tmp6.bt got filled with some contents like: ``` L = 0x10d0140 ... funcinfo: cl: 10de220 .... ``` I'm not sure if it's an issue...
Finally I got my precious flame-graph! Thanks for the fixes, agentzh! And yeah, you were right: I was probably playing with ngx-sample-lua-bt for too long so that I forgot to...
Some more of my observations: the error described in this issue doesn't occur in the same kind of tests done with the LuaJIT setup.