FMXComponents copied to clipboard
Firemonkey Opensource Components
Please add FMX.RegComponents.pas to FMXComponents.dpk When use your library, no components show up.
Need to add the line: destructor TFMXQRCode.Destroy; begin FQRImage.Free; **FLines.Free;** inherited; end;
Hello: Sorry for my ask, but I can't find documentation to how install components. I can't see BPL or DPK files for it. Thanks and greetings. Jose.
Is possible to add FMXCallout/TFMXCanvas to TMapview?
I guess no need to enable dragging when we have only one image loaded. I suggest to change ``` procedure TFMXImageSlider.MouseDown(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Single); .. if (PageCount...
``` procedure TFMXImageSlider.Clear; ... ActivePage := -1; ``` it will never be executed because ``` procedure TFMXImageSlider.SetActivePage(const Value: Integer); ... if (Value < 0) or (Value > FPages.Count - 1)...
hi does the FMXComponents package have BiDi support for Right-To-Left languages please? (i'm new in Github, so sorry if this is not the right place to ask that...)
With TextSettings.WordWrap := False and TextSettings.Trimming := TextTrimming.Characters set to the BB Coded Text Control, it doesn't work as expected..
in FMX.ImageSlider line 732 `B := B.SnapToPixel(Scene.GetSceneScale, False);` Tested in D10.3.1 Windows
In PhotoCorrect demo line 139 src.Assign(Image1.Bitmap); cannot assign D10.2.3