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This repo is a fork of StanfordPCL(Qianyi Zhou's PCL Fork) containing the code implementation of our work CuFusion, a novel approach for accurate real-time depth camera tracking and volumetric scene reconstruction with a known cuboid reference object.

This is the initial version of our algorithm with trial dirty code and redundant comments.


We introduce a dataset called CU3D, for the validation of our algorithm.

The dataset contains:

  • 3 noiseless synthetic sequences with both the ground-truth (GT) camera trajectories and GT mesh scene models;
  • 6 noisy real-world scanning sequences with ONLY the GT mesh models of the scanned objectives;
  • 5 noisy real-world scanning sequences without GT mesh models, we choose body parts of the scanned objects for measurement using a Vernier caliper (least count=0.02mm), and quantitatively compare them with the reconstructions of the algorithms.

The synthetic data are generated with camera intrinsic $K_s$ (synDep525.param), while the real-world data are with intrinsic $K_r$ (myKinectV1.param).

Note: Different from the TUM RGB-D dataset, where the depth images are scaled by a factor of 5000, currently our depth values are stored in the PNG files in millimeters, namely, with a scale factor of 1000. We may remake the data to conform to the style of the TUM dataset later.

Related Publications

If you find this code or CU3D dataset valuable for your research please cite this work:

Zhang C, Hu Y. CuFusion: Accurate real-time camera tracking and volumetric scene reconstruction with a cuboid[J]. Sensors, 2017, 17(10): 2260.

Zhang C. CuFusion2: Accurate and Denoised Volumetric 3D Object Reconstruction Using Depth Cameras[J]. IEEE Access, 2019, 7: 49882-49893.

How to build

We've tested our code on Windows 10, with Visual Studio 2010 (Though other configurations may work) To build this repo from source, you should follow the instructions from PCL, e.g., Compiling PCL from source on Windows. If you've already built/installed PCL, you need to build the pcl_gpu_kinfu_large_scale library and pcl_kinfu_largeScale executable to run our algorithm.

Additional prerequisites:

How to use

1. CuFusion

To test our algorithm, run pcl_kinfu_largeScale_release.exe in command line:

pcl_kinfu_largeScale_release.exe --shift_z -0.3 -cusz 400,300,250 -e2cDist 0.05 -trunc_dist 0.025 -vs 1 -tsdfVer 11 --camera myKinectV1.param -eval "04-lambunny\"

Params explanation:

  • --shift_z <in_meters>: initial shift along z axis
  • -cusz <a,b,c>: toggle to use our algorithm, with the reference cuboid size being a*b*c millimeters
  • -e2cDist <in_meters>: edge-to-edge distance threshold for correspondence matching
  • -trunc_dist <in_meters>: truncation distance of the TSDF
  • -vs <in_meters>: volume size of the reconstruction
  • -tsdfVer <version number>: different versions of our TSDF fusion strategy, currently stable with version 11
  • --camera <param_file>: launch parameters from the file, containing the camera intrinsic matrix
  • -eval <eval_folder>: folder containing the evaluation dataset.

1.1. CuFusion2

We have developed a 2nd version of this work, namely CuFusion2. To use this version, set -tsdfVer 18 (currently for this trial dirty code ...).

2. Algorithms for comparison in our work

2.1. KinectFusion [1]

pcl_kinfu_largeScale_release.exe  --shift_z -0.3 -trunc_dist 0.025 -vs 1 --camera myKinectV1.param -eval E:\geo-cu399-pen\turntable\antenna2c-raw_frames-ts

2.2. Zhou et al. [2]

pcl_kinfu_largeScale_release.exe --shift_z -0.3 --bdr_odometry -trunc_dist 0.025 -vs 1 --camera myKinectV1.param -eval "04-lambunny\"

2.3. ElasticFusion [3]

To test this algorithm, we need to convert the image sequences to *.klg files. We use this code for such work, build ElasticFusion from source, and run it.

2.4. SDF-2-SDF [4]


We have implemented a trial version of the sdf-2-sdf algorithm on GPU (cuda). This version includes only E_geom(xi) in the objective function for optimization, yet don't have E_norm(xi) with it. Neither global optimization is applied. You can simply choose frame-to-model / frame-to-frame camera tracking for comparison, using command line args "-s2s".


  1. Newcombe, R. A.; Izadi, S.; Hilliges, O.; Molyneaux, D.; Kim, D.; Davison, A. J.; Kohli, P.; Shotton, J.; Hodges, S.; Fitzgibbon, A. KinectFusion: Real-time Dense Surface Mapping and Tracking. In Proceedings of the 2011 10th IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality; ISMAR ’11; IEEE Computer Society: Washington, DC, USA, 2011; pp. 127–136.
  2. Zhou, Q.-Y.; Koltun, V. Depth camera tracking with contour cues. In 2015 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR); 2015; pp. 632–638.
  3. Whelan, T.; Leutenegger, S.; Moreno, R. S.; Glocker, B.; Davison, A. ElasticFusion: Dense SLAM Without A Pose Graph. In Proceedings of Robotics: Science and Systems; Rome, Italy, 2015.
  4. Slavcheva M, Kehl W, Navab N, et al. SDF-2-SDF: highly accurate 3D object reconstruction[C]//European Conference on Computer Vision. Springer, Cham, 2016: 680-696.

Original README.txt of StanfordPCL

=============================================================================== = Qianyi Zhou's PCL Fork = +==============================================================================

I have been receiving requests for the source code of pcl_kinfu_largeScale_release.exe, which is a critical module in the robust scene reconstruction system we have developed.

Project: Code: Executable system:

Thus I publish my fork of PCL here as a reference.



I forked PCL from an early development version three years ago, and have made numerous changes. This repository is an image of my personal development chunk. It contains many experimental functions and redundant code.


If you are looking for the official PCL, go to this repository:



As part of the scene reconstruction system, the code of this repository is released under the MIT license.

Some parts of this repository are from different libraries:

Original PCL - BSD license SuiteSparse - LGPL3+ license (we have a static library linked by Visual Studio) Eigen - MPL2 license (we have a copy of a certain version of Eigen)