> 把数组塞入重复数据吧 > > 数组长度为1,就放三个一样的元素,{1,1,1} > 数组长度为2,就把1和2重复塞入,变成{1,2,1,2} > 临时这样改吧,我也遇到这样的问题,找了半天也没意识到时图片数量过少的问题 > [https://github.com/pinguo-zhouwei/MZBannerView/issues/109](url) 请问,现在有解决方案了吗?
我处理了,通过自定义 MZBannerView ,把源码里面的 setPages 方法中的【以下代码屏蔽】就可以了 // if (datas.size() < 3) { // this.mIsOpenMZEffect = false; // MarginLayoutParams layoutParams = (MarginLayoutParams)this.mViewPager.getLayoutParams(); // layoutParams.setMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); // this.mViewPager.setLayoutParams(layoutParams); // this.setClipChildren(true); //...
> 我下载了fresco的源码,在生成RoundedBitmapDrawable之前的WrappingUtils类里,改了bitmap的Density,在自己的项目试了,没发现问题。 `private static Drawable applyLeafRounding( Drawable drawable, RoundingParams roundingParams, Resources resources) { if (drawable instanceof BitmapDrawable) { final BitmapDrawable bitmapDrawable = (BitmapDrawable) drawable; Bitmap bitmap =bitmapDrawable.getBitmap(); bitmap.setDensity(resources.getDisplayMetrics().densityDpi); RoundedBitmapDrawable roundedBitmapDrawable...
> 0.4.0或0.4.1已解决 0.9.25 会复现,现有复现机型如下: * VIVO V1818CA | Android 8.1.0,level 27 * 荣耀 YAL AL00 | Android 10,level 29 * 小米 MI 9 | Android 10,level 29 * 魅族 PRO...
> 有详细的log和泄露位置吗 Input dispatching timed out ANR Input dispatching timed out (Waiting to send non-key event because the touched window has not finished processing certain input events that were delivered...
同问: Input dispatching timed out ANR Input dispatching timed out (Waiting to send non-key event because the touched window has not finished processing certain input events that were delivered to...
我也遇到这个问题了【mumu和夜神模拟器都有问题】,我看了问题出现的位置是在RangeDownloader的startDownload方法doOnComplete的回调上,文件的操作都失败了: shadowFile.renameTo(file) 和 tmpFile.delete() 都没有生效,手动修改也不生效,最后我是通过复制文件来解决的。
卡顿问题我是修改TaskManager里的subscribeDownload方法来解决,我改了1s一次: 原来的: private fun subscribeDownload() { downloadDisposable = connectFlowable .doOnSubscribe { downloadHandler.onStarted() } .subscribeOn(mainThread()) .observeOn(mainThread()) .doOnNext { downloadHandler.onDownloading(it) } .doOnComplete { downloadHandler.onCompleted() } .doOnError { downloadHandler.onFailed(it) } .doOnCancel { downloadHandler.onPaused()...