yolox-pytorch copied to clipboard
a Pytorch easy re-implement of "YOLOX: Exceeding YOLO Series in 2021"
A pytorch easy re-implement of "YOLOX: Exceeding YOLO Series in 2021"
1. Notes
This is a pytorch easy re-implement of "YOLOX: Exceeding YOLO Series in 2021" [https://arxiv.org/abs/2107.08430]
The repo is still under development
2. Environment
pytorch>=1.7.0, python>=3.6, Ubuntu/Windows, see more in 'requirements.txt'
cd /path/to/your/work
git clone https://github.com/zhangming8/yolox-pytorch.git
cd yolox-pytorch
download pre-train weights in Model Zoo to /path/to/your/work/weights
3. Object Detection
Model Zoo
All weights can be downloaded from GoogleDrive or BaiduDrive (code:bc72)
Model | test size | mAPval 0.5:0.95 |
mAPtest 0.5:0.95 |
Params (M) |
yolox-nano | 416 | 25.4 | 25.7 | 0.91 |
yolox-tiny | 416 | 33.1 | 33.2 | 5.06 |
yolox-s | 640 | 39.3 | 39.6 | 9.0 |
yolox-m | 640 | 46.2 | 46.4 | 25.3 |
yolox-l | 640 | 49.5 | 50.0 | 54.2 |
yolox-x | 640 | 50.5 | 51.1 | 99.1 |
yolox-x | 800 | 51.2 | 51.9 | 99.1 |
mAP was reevaluated on COCO val2017 and test2017, and some results are slightly better than the official implement YOLOX. You can reproduce them by scripts in 'evaluate.sh'
download COCO:
unzip and put COCO dataset in following folders:
change opt.dataset_path = "/path/to/dataset" in 'config.py'
See more example in 'train.sh'
a. Train from scratch:(backbone="CSPDarknet-s" means using yolox-s, and you can change it, eg: CSPDarknet-nano, tiny, s, m, l, x)
python train.py gpus='0' backbone="CSPDarknet-s" num_epochs=300 exp_id="coco_CSPDarknet-s_640x640" use_amp=True val_intervals=2 data_num_workers=6 batch_size=48
b. Finetune, download pre-trained weight on COCO and finetune on customer dataset:
python train.py gpus='0' backbone="CSPDarknet-s" num_epochs=300 exp_id="coco_CSPDarknet-s_640x640" use_amp=True val_intervals=2 data_num_workers=6 batch_size=48 load_model="../weights/yolox-s.pth"
c. Resume, you can use 'resume=True' when your training is accidentally stopped:
python train.py gpus='0' backbone="CSPDarknet-s" num_epochs=300 exp_id="coco_CSPDarknet-s_640x640" use_amp=True val_intervals=2 data_num_workers=6 batch_size=48 load_model="exp/coco_CSPDarknet-s_640x640/model_last.pth" resume=True
Some Tips:
a. You can also change params in 'train.sh'(these params will replace opt.xxx in config.py) and use 'nohup sh train.sh &' to train
b. Multi-gpu train: set opt.gpus = "3,5,6,7" in 'config.py' or set gpus="3,5,6,7" in 'train.sh'
c. If you want to close multi-size training, change opt.random_size = None in 'config.py' or set random_size=None in 'train.sh'
d. random_size = (14, 26) means: Randomly select an integer from interval (14,26) and multiply by 32 as the input size
e. Visualized log by tensorboard:
tensorboard --logdir exp/your_exp_id/logs_2021-08-xx-xx-xx and visit http://localhost:6006
Your can also use the following shell scripts:
(1) grep 'train epoch' exp/your_exp_id/logs_2021-08-xx-xx-xx/log.txt
(2) grep 'val epoch' exp/your_exp_id/logs_2021-08-xx-xx-xx/log.txt
Module weights will be saved in './exp/your_exp_id/model_xx.pth'
change 'load_model'='weight/path/to/evaluate.pth' and backbone='backbone-type' in 'evaluate.sh'
sh evaluate.sh
a. Predict images, change img_dir and load_model
python predict.py gpus='0' backbone="CSPDarknet-s" vis_thresh=0.3 load_model="exp/coco_CSPDarknet-s_640x640/model_best.pth" img_dir='/path/to/dataset/images/val2017'
b. Predict video
python predict.py gpus='0' backbone="CSPDarknet-s" vis_thresh=0.3 load_model="exp/coco_CSPDarknet-s_640x640/model_best.pth" video_dir='/path/to/your/video.mp4'
You can also change params in 'predict.sh', and use 'sh predict.sh'
Train Customer Dataset(VOC format)
1. put your annotations(.xml) and images(.jpg) into:
/path/to/voc_data/images/train2017/*.jpg # train images
/path/to/voc_data/images/train2017/*.xml # train xml annotations
/path/to/voc_data/images/val2017/*.jpg # val images
/path/to/voc_data/images/val2017/*.xml # val xml annotations
2. change opt.label_name = ['your', 'dataset', 'label'] in 'config.py'
change opt.dataset_path = '/path/to/voc_data' in 'config.py'
3. python tools/voc_to_coco.py
Converted COCO format annotation will be saved into:
4. (Optional) you can visualize the converted annotations by:
python tools/show_coco_anns.py
Here is an analysis of the COCO annotation https://blog.csdn.net/u010397980/article/details/90341223?spm=1001.2014.3001.5501
5. run train.sh, evaluate.sh, predict.sh (are the same as COCO)
4. Multi/One-class Multi-object Tracking(MOT)
one-class/single-class MOT Dataset
Multi-class MOT Dataset
5. Acknowledgement