> 请问你遇到下面这个问题了吗? cannot import name 'nms_ext' from partially initialized module 'mmdet.ops.nms' (most likely due to a circular import) 我遇到的问题是RuntimeError: roi_width >= 0 && roi_height >= 0INTERNAL ASSERT FAILED at "/home/workspace/OBBDetection-master/mmdet/ops/roi_align_rotated/src/roi_align_rotated_cpu.cpp":237,...
> 额,我被这个问题卡住了,根本无法往下运行,根本遇不到你这个问题, 你就没遇到这个问题吗? 我没有遇到这个问题,不好意思
[Reimplementation] The FCOS detector cannot be reproduced. The mAP is much lower than the model zoo.
> My codebase: https://github.com/yangxue0827/h2rbox-mmrotate > **My reimplementation:** > > ``` > This is your evaluation result for task 1 (VOC metrics): > > mAP: 0.7121946689619715 > ap of each class:...