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How many database can we chose in function 'FeatureHeatmap(db = )'
I want to use this command to finifsh function enrichment,using hallmark dataset,but whatever I write ,always report an error. I tried h/H/hallmark,always report thee error.
ht2 <- FeatureHeatmap(srt = scrun,features = de_g$gene,feature_split = de_g$group1, = 'RNA_snn_res.1.1', species = 'Homo_sapiens',db = 'HallMark',anno_terms = TRUE,anno_keys = T,mirror = 'asia',use_raster = F)
[2023-09-01 01:16:08] Start Enrichment Workers: 125 Species: Homo_sapiens Permform enrichment... |=====================================================================================================| 100%
Error: BiocParallel errors 26 remote errors, element index: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, ... 0 unevaluated and other errors first remote error: Error in base::rowSums(x, na.rm = na.rm, dims = dims, ...): 'x' must be an array of at least two dimensions
The source code is tooo complicated to me,I can`t find how many database could be used in this command :-(, besides GO_BP/MF/CC,KEGG,wikipathway.
The code I attch can perfectly run when chosing db = GO_BP/MF/CC,KEGG,wikipathway
Apologies, the documentation for the SCP functions is still being written. To discover the available database names within the SCP package, please refer to the documentation of PrepareDB function.
Thanks for replying