Hang Zhang
Hang Zhang
Make sure `ninja` is installed properly with correct gcc version
RegNet 主要是对类似于 ResNeXt 进行了搜索。搜到对结构乍一看很像ResNet,这个很正常
Could you try https://s3.us-west-1.wasabisys.com/hang/models/RegNetX-0.4GF.pth https://s3.us-west-1.wasabisys.com/hang/models/RegNetY-0.4GF.pth
Looks like pytorch extension issue
Hi guys, is `sphinx-versioning` reinstalling/using the package in different commit? It seems that it only uses the master branch version. Therefore, the doc building often fails. Any comments? Thanks!
How to make sure that Sphinx Versioning install/use the package in each branch? Thanks a lot!