Module Federation is implemented in webpack4. The current example demonstrates that MF of webpack4 and webpack5 call each other
remoteType: "umd" error # Bug report **What is the current behavior?** error **If the current behavior is a bug, please provide the steps to reproduce.** https://stackblitz.com/edit/github-faw5we-nztzyp?file=app1%2Fwebpack.config.js // app1 ModuleFederationPlugin({ remoteType:...
- 项目名称:universal-module-federation - 项目地址:[universal-module-federation](https://github.com/zhangHongEn/universal-module-federation-plugin/blob/main/packages/universal-module-federation-plugin/README-cn.md) 、[module-federation/webpack-4](https://github.com/module-federation/webpack-4/tree/main/doc/chinese) - 项目简介 (**100** 字以内):增强module-federation,更加通用,将其作为一个通用的同步(无需promise)使用远程资源的加载器 - 项目截图 (**6**张以内):
Currently only universal-module-federation-plugin@^0.x.x is supported next: support [universal-module-federation-plugin](https://github.com/zhangHongEn/universal-module-federation-plugin/tree/main/packages/universal-module-federation-plugin)
For example, I have a micro-frontend system with 100 applications. During the module-federation initialization phase, I need to load 100 mf-manifest.json and remoteEntry.js. How much performance overhead will these 200...
## Description Supports importing remote files in esm format in the node environment ## Related Issue https://github.com/module-federation/vite/issues/73 ## Types of changes - [ ] Docs change / refactoring / dependency...
## Description `loadEntry hook` returns the unprocessed module according to the original logic, and the current situation will report an error ``` js { name: "loadEntryPlugin", loadEntry({remoteInfo}) { if (remoteInfo.name...
### Describe the bug #2934 `SyntaxError: Cannot use import statement outside a module` ### Reproduction https://github.com/zhangHongEn/mf-esmodule-manifest ### Used Package Manager pnpm ### System Info ```shell System: OS: macOS 14.3.1 CPU:...
### Environment ------------------------------ - Operating System: Darwin - Node Version: v18.20.2 - Nuxt Version: 3.13.1 - CLI Version: 3.13.1 - Nitro Version: 2.9.7 - Package Manager: [email protected] - Builder: -...