ECO-pytorch copied to clipboard
Use the pretrained model to initialize the weights of ECO's 2Dnet and 3Dnet
`model_dict = self.state_dict()
pretrained_on_kin = torch.utils.model_zoo.load_url(weight_url)
new_state_dict = {k[18:]: v for k, v in pretrained_on_kin['state_dict'].items() if k[18:] in model_dict}
# init the layer names which is not in pretrained model dict
un_init_dict_keys = [k for k in model_dict.keys() if k not in new_state_dict]
std = 0.001
for k in un_init_dict_keys:
new_state_dict[k] = torch.DoubleTensor(model_dict[k].size()).zero_()
if 'weight' in k:
normal(new_state_dict[k], 0, std)
elif 'bias' in k:
constant(new_state_dict[k], 0)
In this part, the author uses a model trained on other data sets to initialize some parameters of ECO. Since I didn't get this model, I trained directly.The above code was directly deletedby me. During the training process, my loss sometimes drops and sometimes rises. Is this normal? Maybe the loss value should keep dropping? I want to know what the loss and accuracy of the model should be when it is trained correctly?Hope to get help from you .
By the way, if anyone can provide the above pre-trained model, I would be very grateful!
Yes,I have the same problem
Yes,I have the same problem If you don't mind, maybe we can talk about it. Qq:253878404