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JavaScript, React and WordPress Workshop for the 2019 JavaScript for WordPress Conference

JavaScript, React & WordPress Workshop for Beginners

Workshop Banner with badges for topics

This workshop is from the 2019 JavaScript for WordPress Conference and includes a day long worth of exercises and projects to help you get up and running with JavaScript, React and how to use them in WordPress.

Part 1 - Setup

In this section we will get our development environments up and running with the following:

  1. Make sure you have Node & NPM installed
  2. Get a code editor with a command line interface (Try VSCode for Free)
  3. Download the project files
  4. Open the project files in your code editor
  5. Setup a local install of WordPress (Try Desktop Server for Free)
  6. Add three posts with featured images
  7. Copy the four themes in the wordpress directory into your local wp-content/themes folder

Part 2 - JavaScript

In this section we will begin learning some JavaScript in order to build a custom lightbox from scratch.

Step 00 - Practice


In this exercise we practice writing some basic JavaScript and getting information from the user.

Step 01 - Button Click


In this exercise we learn how to take an action when the user clicks on a button.

Step 02 - Adding Markup with JavaScript


Here we create a button on the fly with JavaScript and add it to the page.

Step 03 - Updating the Page with JavaScript


Now we look at how to get user input and use it to modify existing content on the page.

Step 04 - Making a Lightbox Overlay


In this step we start from scratch building a lightbox overlay and displaying it when an image is clicked.

Step 05 - Adding an Image to the Lightbox


Here we take the overlay we designed and dynamically add the image that was clicked on to it, along with the alt text.

Step 06 - Closing the Lightbox


In our final steps we learn some tricks for closing a lightbox based on where the user clicks or what keys they press.

Part 3 - React

In this section we take what we learned about JavaScript and HTML and apply it to use React to build the same thing we built using JavaScript with the React library.

Step 00 - Practice


In our first step we learn how to use npm install and npm start to get a React app built with Create React App up and running.

Step 01 - Button Click with React


In this step we learn how to do a simple onClick event in React using a button.

Step 02 - Using State


Here we introduce the important topic of state in React and how we can use it to keep track of data that changes in our code.

Step 03 - Lightbox Overlay


Now we look at how to use state to create a lightbox overlay that only appears when the user clicks on an image.

Step 04 - Adding the Image to the Lightbox


In this step we look at how to use state in React along with binding to get the image clicked on and display it in the lightbox.

Step 05 - Closing the Lightbox


Now we complete our lightbox and the user to close it by clicking outside the image or pressing the Escape key.

Step 06 - Starting with Posts in State


In a bonus step to our lightbox, we look at how we can start with our images in state rather than hardcoded on the page.

Part 4 - WordPress

In the final section of the workshop we will learn how to add our JavaScript and React code into WordPress and convert our React lightbox to display previews of posts.

Step 01 - Loading React


  1. run npm init in command line
  2. Add build and start scripts to package.json
  3. Create a src/index.js file for our React
  4. Create a Hello() function
  5. Call wp.element.render() to display <Hello /> in #main .entry-content
  6. Run npm start and see build/index.js created and updated
  7. Enqueue build/index.js in the functions.php
  8. Check frontend to see <Hello /> take over page content
  9. Stop the server in command line with ctl + c
  10. Run npm build and test everything again on the frontend

Step 02 - Server Side Rendering Content


  1. Create 3 new posts with feature images
  2. Create a react-template.php file
  3. Add Template Name: React Template in a PHP comment at the top
  4. Add a get_header() and get_footer()
  5. Make a WP_Query call for 3 latest posts
  6. Create markup for each post with the featured image, title and excerpt
  7. Create a new page and assign it the React Template template
  8. Comment out the wp.element.render in the src/index.js file
  9. Run npm build and check the React Template page

Step 03 - React Rendering


  1. Get the post containers
  2. Setup an empty post object
  3. For each post container, add post details to post object
  4. Create a Posts() function that returns markup for posts
  5. Call wp.element.render for <Posts /> to load inside of #react-template .posts
  6. This should replace the server side rendered posts with a React app with posts

Step 04 - Add Lightbox for Posts


  1. Get the post containers
  2. Setup an empty post object
  3. For each post container, add post details to post object
  4. Create a Posts() function that returns markup for posts
  5. Call wp.element.render for <Posts /> to load inside of #react-template .posts
  6. This should replace the server side rendered posts with a React app with posts

Further Learning

To learn more about JavaScript, React and how to use it with WordPress, I suggest the following resources:

  1. JavaScript Language Basics Course
  2. JavaScript Explained Book
  3. React Explained Book & Course
  4. Enqueuing JavaScript in WordPress Themes and Plugins
  5. Gutenberg Block Development