Fanjin Zhang
Fanjin Zhang
Thanks for your reply. I modify the file and run on the cora dataset. The loss is decreasing but nmi and modularity are not increasing. I implement _forward_ function...
sigmoid has been incorporated into the loss function ` cost = norm * F.binary_cross_entropy_with_logits(preds, labels, pos_weight=pos_weight) `
name_to_pubs_train contains matchings of persons and papers, which is to train global metric learning model and cluster size estimation model. name_to_pubs_test is for evaluation. Please see our paper for details.
内层字典的key是person id,value是这个人发表的论文id列表。论文id, 如XXX-1表示这个作者是第几作者,从零开始计数。 name_to_pubs_train_500.json: This file can be used for training data, which includes name-person-paper mapping relations. Data schema: This file is a dictionary (denoted as dic1) saved as a...
yes. The disambiguation results are obtained by clustering (in
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