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Very confused about manual instalation
Well, sorry about this question, but I´m realy stucked.
I´m trying to manual installation (after a successful Arduino IDE install). Manual installation necessary cause I´m trying to customize the bootloader for arduboy.
I´m using Arduino Pro Micro 32u4
Here is my makefile ...
MCU_TARGET = atmega32u4
BOOT_ADR = 0x3800
F_CPU = 16000000
SD_CS_PORT = PORTB # Data Register of the SD CS pin
SD_CS_DDR = DDRB # Data Direction Register of the SD CS pin
SD_CS_BIT = 3 # Bit of the SD CS pin
USE_LED = 0 # Debug with two (defined in asmfunc.S)
USE_UART = 0 # Debug on Serial. 0 ...
I have a lot of doubts here, so :
BOOT_ADDR - Using http://eleccelerator.com/fusecalc/fusecalc.php?chip=atmega32u4&LOW=42&HIGH=99&EXTENDED=FF&LOCKBIT=FF
SD_CS - My CS port is 10, so after reading https://www.arduino.cc/en/Reference/PortManipulation I supposed the correct config for makefile is the values describe before
FUSES: I dont know what is that, sorry. Use default values for HIGH -U hfuse:w:0x99:m
Avrdude works OK with premade images from https://zevero.github.io/avr_boot/package_zevero_avr_boot_index.json
Any help is appreciated