
Results 67 issues of Sad

what is the problem? ![image](

Hope it can change the location

>> python2 cccht2.pdf Font not translated: /TT1 /VMGCWN+MicrosoftYaHeiLight Font not translated: /TT0 /GBCYZR+SimSun handle ( ) handle ( ) handle ( ) handle ( ) Font translated: /C0_0 /UDSRIP+MFLangSong_Noncommercial-Regular...

If i running app 0,1,2 and I wish to monitor only id 0, what should I do? And I want to send email only when there is a specific error...

High Sandbox Breakout / Arbitrary Code Execution Package safe-eval Patched in No patch available Dependency of translation-google Path translation-google > safe-eval More info Critical Sandbox Breakout / Arbitrary Code...

` ` ` Error while loading image "": ReferenceError: document is not defined` AND ALSO GET ` Pango-WARNING **: 10:59:03.251: couldn't load font "MicrosoftJhengHeiBold Bold Not-Rotated 120px", falling back to...

If drag upload same name files, the file will replaced. So i suggest it auto add a random name in the end like xxxxx.jpg -> xxxxx_12386.jpg