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Content: Multi Page and Dataset Model Table - Export CSV Enhancements (Additional Columns and Updates)
We will be introducing new columns, refining existing ones, and updating the file naming convention for the Export CSV feature. These updates aim to enhance the clarity and usability of exported CSV files, ensuring they provide more actionable data.
File Naming Convention
Update the CSV file naming convention to:
[Model Name] - [ZUID] - [Date Time Downloaded].csv
- Example:
BlogPosts - 12345-ZUID - 2025-01-25T14:00:00.csv
New Columns to Add
Created At (Date Time)
- Display the date and time as stored in the database, including timezone information.
- Example:
Last Version Created
- Include version number of the most recent version
Last Updated At (Date Time)
- Display the date and time as stored in the database, including timezone information.
Last Version Published
- Include version number of the most recent published version (only if the item has a version that is published)
Item Status
- Show one of the following statuses:
- Saved and Unpublished
- Saved and Published
- Saved and Scheduled to Publish
- Published and Scheduled to Be Unpublished
- Show one of the following statuses:
Last Version Published At (Date Time)
- Display the date and time of the last published version, including timezone information.
Created By
- Include the name or identifier of the user who created the content item.
Column Enhancements
Media Column
- Update the column to display the File URL instead of the File ZUID.
Please ensure these changes are tested for datasets with large volumes of data.