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Content: Schedule Unpublish Button
Currently, there is no way in the platform for users to set a specific date or time for when a content item should automatically be unpublished. This limits control over content availability, especially for time-sensitive materials such as promotions, events, or seasonal content.
Without the ability to schedule when content should be unpublished, users must manually monitor and remove outdated content, leading to potential mistakes and inefficiencies.
Users need a feature that allows users to schedule when content should be unpublished. This would provide users with more control over content lifecycle management, streamline workflows, and reduce manual effort in managing content availability.
Proposed Solution
1. Add Unpublish Scheduling Option During Content Publishing When a user publishes a content item, we should prompt them with an option to set an unpublish date. This would allow the user to specify when the content should automatically be unpublished after a set period.
2. Add Schedule Unpublish Option to the Content Item View After publishing, users should be able to view and edit the unpublish date for a content item in the view content item view. This allows users to modify the unpublish date later if necessary.
3. Bulk Unpublish Scheduling Allow users to select multiple content items and apply an unpublish date in bulk. This is especially useful for time-sensitive campaigns or events where many items need to be unpublished at the same time.