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This jQuery function will add a functionality to load 5 (or custom) more items. No AJAX functionality.

Simple Load More

This jQuery plugin will add a functionality to load 5 (or custom) more items. Best for lists that are long and you want to hide all except first 5 (or custom) and then show a "Load More" button. When that button is clicked, it loads another 5 items.

Note: this is not AJAX based. It just hides all the items except the first 5 (or custom) and shows another 5 when button is clicked.

View Demo



Download this plugin using this NPM commend.

npm i simple-load-more


Simply close this repository or download it as zip. After that, include the jquery.simpleLoadMore.js file in the head or footer of your HTML page.

<script src="/js/jquery.simpleLoadMore.js"></script>

You can also use the minified version, which is: jquery.simpleLoadMore.min.js


  item: '.element-item',
  count: 5,
  // itemsToLoad: 10,
  // btnHTML: '<a href="#" class="load-more__btn">View More <i class="fas fa-angle-down"></i></a>'


Option Type Default Description
item string (jQuery Selector) null Set the class of the actual items this plugin should take in count.
count integer 5 Set the number of items to show at first and load after the button is clicked (if itemsToLoad is not set)
itemsToLoad integer value of count set the number of items to load. Set to -1 to load all at once.
btnHTML string (html) <a href="#" class="load-more__btn">View More <i class="fas fa-angle-down"></i></a> Set a custom button here.
btnText string View More Set button's custom text here. Use placeholders {showing} and {total} for showing items counter. Where {showing} shows the current number of items displaying and {total} shows the total items one instance has.
cssClass string load-more Set the custom CSS class for the instance. Do not include dot in the class name, e.g., new-class
showCounter boolean false Shows the counter in a separate tag. By default enabling this option will show a text Showing X out of X before the load more button. View Demo for the example.
counterText string Showing {showing} out of {total} Set custom counter text here. Use placeholders {showing} and {total} in the text. Where {showing} shows the current number of items displaying and {total} shows the total items one instance has.
btnWrapper string (html) | boolean <div class="load-more__btn-wrap"></div> Wrap custom HTML tag around the 'Load More' button. Or set this to false to completely remove the wrapper
btnWrapperClass string null Add a custom CSS class to the button wrapper.
easing string fade This property determines how the items should load when the button is clicked. You can set it to fade or slide.
easingDuration string 400 Defines how long it should take to load next items. The value is in milliseconds.
onLoad callback function function() {} Read more under "Events" section below.
onNextLoad callback function function() {} Read more under "Events" section below.
onComplete callback function function() {} Read more under "Events" section below.


With the version 1.6.0, we are introducing callbacks. You can use these callback functions to perform some extra actions during the lifecycle of SLM (SimpleLoadMore) instance.

Event Params Description
onLoad $items, $btn This event fires on first time the SLM instance is fully initialized. Parameter $items refer to the all the items in the instance. $btn refers to the load more button element. this directs to the main SLM element. You can use it to target sub elements.
onNextLoad $items, $btn This event fires everytime next batch of items are loaded. Parameter $items refer to the all the items in the instance. $btn refers to the load more button element. this directs to the main SLM element. You can use it to target sub elements.
onComplete this This event fires when all the items have been loaded. this directs to the main SLM element. You can use it to target sub elements.

Using the callback function is very simple. Here's an example:

  item: 'div',
  count: 5,
  onLoad: function($items, $btn) {
    // Perform actions here.
  onNextLoad: function($items, $btn) {
    // Perform actions here.
  onComplete: function() {
    // Perform actions here.

Check out the demo for callbacks to see it in action:



  • Feature: Introducing Callbacks 🎉
  • Callback: onLoad fires when instance is fully loaded
  • Callback: onNextLoad fires every time next batch of items are laoded
  • Callback: onComplete fires when all items are loaded


  • Bugfix: typo in variable declaration of using ; instead of ,
  • Bugfix: incorrect counter fix so when count is greater than total items length, then show items length instead.


  • Improvement: remove button wrapper as well when all items have been loaded.


  • Feature: ability to set a custom button wrapper and wrapper class
  • Feature: ability to change easing to 'slide'. Default is 'fade'