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IceGrid/replication test (C++) asserts at exit on Windows
I get this assert all the time with debug builds on Windows:
C:\Users\bernard\source\repos\ice\cpp>python3 IceGrid/replication --config Debug
*** [1/1] Running cpp/IceGrid/replication tests ***
[ running IceGrid test - 07/08/24 13:46:10 ]
- Config: Debug
starting IceGrid registry Master... ok
starting IceGrid registry Slave1... ok
starting IceGrid node localnode... ok
testing replicated locator and query interface... ok
testing well-known IceGrid objects... ok
testing registry updates... ok
testing node session establishment... ok
testing out-of-date replicas... process C:\Users\bernard\source\repos\ice\cpp\test\IceGrid\replication\msbuild\client\x64\Debug\client.exe --Ice.Default.Host= --Ice.Warn.Connections=1 --Ice.Default.Protocol=tcp --Ice.IPv6=0 --Ice.PrintStackTraces=1 --Ice.Default.Locator="TestIceGrid/Locator:default -p 12030" --ServerDir=msbuild\server\x64\Debug --Ice.Trace.Network=2 --Ice.Trace.Retry=1 --Ice.Trace.Protocol=1 --Ice.LogFile=C:\Users\bernard\source\repos\ice\cpp\test\IceGrid\replication\client-070824-1346.log pid=26208 is hanging - 07/08/24 13:48:49
testing master upgrade... ok
testing interop with registry and node using the 1.0 encoding... ok
Assertion failed: _servants.empty(), file C:\Users\bernard\source\repos\ice\cpp\src\IceGrid\SessionServantManager.cpp, line 90
process IceGrid registry Master pid=23792 is hanging on shutdown - 07/08/24 13:50:20
process IceGrid registry Master pid=23792 is hanging on shutdown - 07/08/24 13:50:50
process IceGrid registry Master pid=23792 is hanging on shutdown - 07/08/24 13:51:20
This test also takes way too long to run on Windows (3+ minutes).
Note that this test is currently disabled in CI on Windows. See also #1653 and #2103.