C-Cpp-Coverage-for-CLion copied to clipboard
The plugin does not work with some light CLion themes
For the dark theme, I see this:
But for light themes ('Windows 10 Light' or 'Light Flat Theme') I get this:
Does the plugin have any settings for code highlighting colors? How can I change them?
I use 'C/C++ Coverage 2022.1.0-Eap' and 'CLion 2022.1'
I figured out what was wrong.
The 'C/C++ Coverage' plugin uses the 'Color Scheme->General->Line Coverage->Full->Foreground' setting to highlight the line background. The regular 'CLion Coverage' does not use this 'Foreground' to highlight the code line background, by default.
If I want to set 'CLion Coverage' to highlight the background of a line, I have to turn off 'Foreground' and turn on 'Background'. I. e. 'CLion Coverage' correctly uses the 'Background' setting for background coloring and the 'Foreground' setting for text coloring. But, the C/C++ Coverage uses the 'Foreground' setting for painting the background and doesn't use the 'Background' setting.
Can you fix 'C/C++ Coverage' so that it correctly uses the 'Foreground' and 'Background' settings? Or at least use for background highlighting that setting which is explicitly set. I.e. if 'Foreground' is enabled explicitly, it uses 'Foreground' for highlighting the background of the code coverage. If 'Foreground' is off, and 'Background' is explicitly on, then use it for the background.
I would like the code coverage highlighting in the editor to look the same with both 'C/C++ Coverage' and 'CLion Coverage'.