
Results 37 issues of Stefan

I added option to configuration tree. Now supported native symfony configuration: yml or xml. ``` yaml # app/config/config.yml ddeboer_guzzle: service_builder: configuration: aws: params: access_key: 12345 secret_key: abcd s3: class: Guzzle\Aws\S3\S3Client...

tcomb itself is js-only. But json-schema can be used in different environments (java/svagger, etc). On current moment only [ajv]( supports many features of json-schema draft v4 and 5 (meta-schemas, oneOf,...

You updates breaks phpcd, phpmd and others, did you testing them ? Check in src/php/ezc/Base/base.php ``` php private static $libraryMode = 'pear' ``` Check that directory with sources exists src/fdomdocument/TheSeer/fDOMDocument

Example from documentation, i just change smocks.route to smocks.plugin: ``` js smocks.plugin({ // ... input: { yourPhoneNumber: { label: 'What is your phone number?', type: 'text', defaultValue: '999.867.5309' } },...

Check documentation: ``` set an active route variant POST to {host}:{port}/_admin/api/route/{routeId}/variant/{variantId} ``` It's wrong. Working example: ``` js fetch('/_admin/api/route/{routeId}', { method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify({ variant: 'my-variant' }) }) ```

Removed wine64-* and add wine libwine-dev libwine-dev:i386 for i386 builds.

Can't compile airwave-host-32: cmake can't find installed in /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/wine libs. Error message: ``` [ 30%] Building CXX object src/host/CMakeFiles/airwave-host-32.dir/main.cpp.o [ 32%] Linking CXX executable airwave-host-32 ld: relocatable linking with relocations...