Still hopeful this will make it in some day.. :( Haha
I hope this will be optional to turn on. I'm not so sure I like the idea of pets having their count-downs progress when they aren't the ones in focus....
Try reducing your plugins down to just Skillspro, Residence, Kingdoms and MyPet. As well as any required to function plugins, like Vault. Then share the results.
While I meant "Required to function" and I don't think any of those require BossShop or Multiverse plugins in any way to function.. Thank you, this helps us with some...
Have you tried using PAPI placeholders in the name-tag?
Was worth a shot. Hah! Why not incorporate PAPI capability so placeholders can be used like this? I can imagine several placeholders from other plugins that could be useful to...
I'd like to request that this sort of feature be added as option within skill trees or to all pets. Not just pets that can be found only in the...
Same as Ticket #555 Proceeding to close issue #555 for sake of cleanliness and orderly fashion. ;P
Pets function off the Vanilla Wolf AI. This is why they always "Swim Up", and because of this there is no reason for any sort of "water breathing" to be...
So would dismissing the pet before going diving.