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A cloud NES emulator written in Rust. Originally written for NorthSec CTF 2021.



What is Nestadia?

Nestadia is a NES emulator that can be ran in server mode so that the emulation itself is done on a server. It was made for NorthSec CTF 2021, although the CTF-related parts were removed from this repo.
Don't expect your favorite game to work as it is still buggy. It can however serve as a great proof of concept.

How to build and run.


First you need to build the client and place it where nestadia-server can find it:

cd nestadia-client
npm install
npm run build
cp -r ./dist ../nestadia-server/client_build/


You then need to build and run the server:

cd nestadia-server
cargo run --release


Code is provided under the MIT or Apache license.