Nanomite copied to clipboard
Graphical Debugger for x64 and x86 on Windows
#Nanomite - Windows Debugger for x64 and x86
- Debugging x86 and x64 (+ WOW64) processes
- Breakpoints
- Software
- Sizes: 1,2 and 4 bytes
- Types: INT3, UD2, HLT
- OnExecution
- Memory
- OnExecution, OnAccess and OnWrite
- Hardware
- Sizes: 1,2 and 4 bytes
- OnExecution, OnRead and OnWrite
- Software
- Step In
- Step Over
- Step Out
- Step back to user code
- Attaching
- Detaching
- Single Step Tracing
- Supporting child processes
- Supporting multithreading
- Display source code
- Patching of instructions
- Bookmarks
- Comments
- Save and load project files
- Detailed view of:
- disassembly
- windows
- handles
- debug strings
- threads
- (child)processes
- exceptions
- process privileges
- loaded modules
- strings
- callstack
- stack
- heap
- cpu registers
- functions
- pe header
- most windows can be closed with "esc"
- most windows can be reloaded with "F5"
- STRG + C can be used to copy data from selected field in table - for more check context menu
- MainWindow
- STRG + B = Breakpoint Manager
- STRG + O = Open new file
- STRG + R = Restart debugging
- STRG + I = Show detail info window
- STRG + T = Show trace window
- STRG + P = Show patch window
- STRG + A = Show attach window
- STRG + S = Stop debugging
- STRG + D = Detach from debuggee
- ALT + 1 = Show memory window
- ALT + 2 = Show heap window
- ALT + 3 = Show string window
- ALT + 4 = Show debug output window
- ALT + 5 = Show handle window
- ALT + 6 = Show windows window
- ALT + 7 = Show peeditor window
- ALT + 8 = Show function window
- ALT + 9 = Show process privilege window
- ALT = Select menu bar and navigate with arrows
- F6 = Step Out
- F7 = Step In
- F8 = Step Over
- F9 = Start/Continue debugging
- F12 = Options
- Break = Suspend debugging
- Attach Dialog
- Return = Attach to selected process
- Double Click = Attach to selected process
- Breakpoint Manager
- Del = Remove selected breakpoint
- Double Click = Send offset to disassembler
- Disassembler Window
- F2 = Set software breakpoint to selected line
- F4 = Execute until selected line
- Return = Follow selected jump, call
- Backspace = Go back after goto/follow
- Space = Edit selected Instruction
- Function Window
- Double Click = Show selected function in diassembler
- Return = Show selected function in diassembler
- Options
- Del = Remove selected custom exception
- Patch Manager
- Del = Remove selected patch
- Return = Send selected offset to disassembler
- Double Click = Send selected offset to disassembler
- Register Window
- Double Click = Opens reg edit window
- Trace Window
- Double Click = Send selected offset to disassembler
###Version 0.1 beta 17
- fixed a bug in the internal exception handler which could cause a termination on windows 8.1
- fixed a bug which made patching jumps impossible
- added option for "DebugSetProcessKillOnExit"
- added option to load symbols from ms servers
- added execute to selected line
- added possibility to toggle eflags directly from context menu in the register view
- improved internal PE file handling
- improved copy to clipboard context menu
####Notes: - You can now copy multi lines to the clipboard using the context menu
###For the full changelog click here