Stephen Blackwell
Stephen Blackwell
Well, the behavior is now different, but not necessarily better. My cyclone app now gets a seg fault, probably when it receives some data. I've attached a zip file with...
Well, I found the problem and it was of my own doing. I had added an unsigned long to the TMMAcData topic to use as a sequence number so I...
Yes, as text is what I meant. That's too bad, In that case I'd like to put in a feature request for the IDL compiler to generate an operator
C and Perl? Ha! I started programming in FORTRAN on an ICL mainframe and in assembly on an Intel 8080 (cue Monty Python's Good Old Days sketch) so I'm pretty...
You've got the idea but as I said I can see some complications. For example: ``` struct t { int hour, int min, int sec ); struct x { string...