Guido Maria Serra+Fenaroli
Guido Maria Serra+Fenaroli
uhmm... ur patch doesn't seem to solve my problem ``` (jsonrpc)dyn-86-client:scripts zeph$ pip install ../../dejw-jsonrpclib Unpacking /Users/zeph/tmp/dejw-jsonrpclib Running egg_info for package from file:///Users/zeph/tmp/dejw-jsonrpclib Installing collected packages: jsonrpclib Running
k, u are not overriding... feel free to pull my change if of any help
I'd really appreciate to see this feature from "dejw" in the main source stream ;)
in particular.. I can't use the Confluence JSON-RPC calls cause the library is sending out the wrong headers... - "jsonrpclib.jsonrpc.ProtocolError: (-32600, u'JSON-RPC requests must have the Content-type: application/json')"
@xiehan I'd really love to be more constructive on detailing what's wrong with the upgrade procedure... but it is the 3rd time in 2years that I pick up a `cdktf`...