zenwallet icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
zenwallet copied to clipboard

User interface for the Zen Protocol client.

Please note that the usage of the software is only permitted to anyone who purchased a license during the license sale period. Sale Terms

Parts of this software are available under the MIT licence. See the directory "third-party".

Tutorial videos:

Preparing Your Machine

  • Note that this a new network and no other versions will effect functionality.


  1. Install Git
  2. Install mono-devel. If you choose to install via a package manager, add Mono's own repository first.
  3. Install lmdb. The package name is liblmdb0 on Ubuntu and lmdb on Fedora. sudo apt install liblmdb0
  4. Install Nodejs (Version >= 6)
  • Recommended to install using NVM
  • Recommended to install Node LTS (8.9.4) nvm install 8.9.4


  1. Install mono-devel. If you choose to install via a package manager, add Mono's own repository first.
  • Steps 2-3 require [brew] (https://www.dyclassroom.com/howto-mac/how-to-install-nodejs-and-npm-on-mac-using-homebrew)
  1. Open the Terminal (can be found from search bar)
  2. Install lmdb. Enter the command (in terminal) brew install lmdb.
  3. Install Nodejs (Version >= 6)
  • Recommended to install using NVM
  • Recommended to install Node LTS (8.9.4) nvm install 8.9.4


  1. Install Git
  2. Install .NET Framework 4.7.
  3. Install Nodejs (LTS version recommended)
  4. Open the Command Prompt

Install/Update Wallet

Step 1: Installation

Run the following commands in the Terminal / Command Prompt:

npm config set @zen:registry https://www.myget.org/F/zenprotocol/npm/
npm install @zen/zen-wallet -g

Step 2: Updating

Run the command:

npm install @zen/zen-wallet -g

Step 3: Running wallet and full node

Run zen-wallet from anywhere in your command line (terminal) to start up the wallet

Running with arguments

Wipe (Clear Data)

When we launch a new testnet sometimes you will need to wipe your local database in order to sync. Note that this will delete any data/tokens from the wallet.

You can do this by running: zen-wallet wipe


In order to run a node with a miner run the wallet with the miner argument like this: zen-wallet miner *Running with miner allows you to get the block reward of Zen Tokens every time a new block is mined.


  1. Install the node (without GUI) by running the command npm install @zen/zen-node -g
  2. Type the command zen-node

Wallet Overview

  • Access Software - Use your key from the software sale to redeem your tokens.
  • Portfolio – View list of assets, their hash name, and current balance.
  • Receive – Address used to receive Zen Tokens (or other compatible tokens) to your wallet
  • Send – Submit address you want to send your tokens to, select asset (token) you would like to send, and enter the amount.
  • Active Contracts – This is a list of all contracts that are currently active on the blockchain.
  • Activate Contract – Upload contracts from your computer, name the contract, and choose number of blocks you want the contract to be activated for.
  • Run Contract – Enter the contract name/address, choose command you want to run, pick which asset you would like to send, enter the amount.
  • Saved Contract – Easy access to previously used contracts and templates

Access the Software

  1. Click on ACCESS SOFTWARE tab (left panel)
  2. Enter public address from sofware sale
  • The testnet will automatically verify how many tokens you are intitled to.
  1. Click Redeem tokens.
  2. Your testnet tokens will now be available in the total balance (top right) and portfolio tab (left panel).

Receive Tokens (From Others)

  1. Click the Receive tab (left panel).
  2. Click on address or copy button
  • Either one will copy your address to receive tokens to the clipboard for easy pasting
  1. Send your address to someone who wants to transfer you tokens.

Send Tokens (To Others)

  1. Click the Send tab (left panel).
  2. Enter other person's address.
  3. Choose Asset
  • Tokens in portfolio are already hardcoded options.
  1. Enter Amount you want to send
  2. Click Send (blue)

Run Contract

  1. Choose a .fst contract file from your computer
  2. Give your contract a name
  • The name will get saved as a comment in your code - which other nodes in the network will be able to read.
  1. Choose how many blocks you would like to activate your contract for
  2. Click "Activate"

Example Contract

Activate/Name the contract

  1. Download the example contract f* file (.fst)
  2. Click on the Drag and Drop area or the Upload button (blue)
  3. Select .fst file downloaded above
  4. Click and insert a name for the contract
  • This will change the name of the generic contract already saved in Saved Contracts section
  1. Click the Enter Amount section and insert number of blocks you would like to activate contract for.
  2. Click the Activate button (blue).
  3. Click the Saved Contracts tab (left panel)
  • You can now see the given contract name on the generic contract

Saved Contracts

  1. Click on Saved Contracts tab (left panel).
  • Note there is already a contract that has been preloaded for your convenience.
  1. Click Run.
  2. New page will open under the Run Contract panel
  3. Type buy in the Enter Command box
  4. Choose asset ZENP
  • Tokens in portfolio are already hardcoded options.
  1. Enter amount of Tokens you would like to purchase (1 to 1 ratio)
  2. Click the Run button (blue)
  3. Click the Portfolio tab (left panel)
  • You can now see your Zen Protocol and generic contract tokens in the portfolio

Run Contract

  1. Click Run Contract (left panel).
  2. Under Contract Address enter the contract you would like to run.
  • The generic contract you created is a hardcoded option.
  1. Click Enter Command and type redeem.
  2. Choose asset (same as contract).
  3. Enter amount you like to redeem.
  • You will receive a 1 to 1 ratio of Zen Tokens for Generic Contract Tokens.
  1. Click the Run button (blue).
  • Your ZENP balance will be higher by the number of contracts redeemed and the number of contracts lower by that same amount

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