
Results 66 issues of zenny

The make script fails with "/dev/loop0 device not found" error almost at the end of compilation.

HI, The installer does not have any option to install basic php extension among others pdo_mysql, fileinfo, mcrypt, gd, tokenizer, mbstring among others. Is there any way to install to...

Hi, Installed _footswitch_ with '**sudo** make install' for the device ID 0c45:740**4** as of below. But running _footswitch_ requires superuser everytime. How to avoid 'sudo' for running _footswitch_ every time?!...

Hi, Trying to test the script without installing (directly from the pdf_hide executable from git repo). ``` $ ./pdf_hide -o ~/Downloads/tomb_manpage_pdf_hide.pdf embed ~/Downloads/pdf_hide_embedded.txt ~/Downloads/tomb_manpage.pdf ==================== This is PDF_HIDE v0.0 ====================...

Hi, @pdewacht Thanks for creating this because I could use HL-2150N in voidlinux only because of this script/ppd. I did not see support for HL-2150 series in this script !...

Hi, Installation fails. Issues with ctranslate2==1.17.1 ``` ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement ctranslate2==1.17.1 (from argostranslate) (from versions: none) ERROR: No matching distribution found for ctranslate2==1.17.1...

Hi, After whining for days to compile this useful plugin in VoidLinux (or any other GNU/Linux distro), I have finally compiled, built and installed it successfully. :D In order to...

Hi, @bk138 Thanks for creating something that is extremely useful. No parallels! :D Once gromit-mpx process starts, all workspaces (pagers) are affected at present. Is there a way to limit...


Wishful thinking: A highlighting feature like https://github.com/jahnf/Projecteur, but applicable to any pointing device, would be wonderful, this would be handy particularly to gyro-/airmouse (https://github.com/bk138/gromit-mpx/issues/76). :D Cheers, and stay safe, /z


Hi, I tried to run this script in debian 10 which exited with the following error: ``` Job for nginx.service failed because the control process exited with error code. See...