Thanks, I now have built the tikv link rocksdb dynamically supporting a new compression type. I used the rocksdb5.7.0 though the code in https://github.com/pingcap/rust-rocksdb/blob/master/librocksdb_sys/crocksdb/c.cc#L40 only support 5.7.3+, but I changed...
Thanks, I have integrated a new compression which is supported by rocksdb5.7.0 into tikv-v1.0.1, but now I use tikv-v1.0.0, it come across this error when compilation, it's the file "tikv/src/config.rs"...
The default compression of tidb is snappy,right? So, if I wanna use another compression type, should I set the parameter related to compression in tidb-ansible/conf/tikv.yml before deploying tidb?
Thanks, it's in tidb-ansible/conf/tikv.yml to update?
If I put the my built tikv-server in tidb-ansible/downloads, will it work? Must I put it under tidb-ansible/resource/bin? Thanks.
I tried to put my built tikv-server,tikv-ctl,tikv-fail into tidb-v1.0.1.tar.gz which replaced the original tikv*,and then deploy, at last, I can also get the same tikv-* binary under the deploy directory...
I wiil also put the built tikv binaries to tidb-ansible/resources/bin to replace the original binary. Thanks.
What's the meaning of the compression-per-level?How can I use the specific compression type in rocksdb defaultcf?
Yes, I have let rocksdb know it, and tikv-server, tikv-ctl have also linked to the dynamical linking library of the compression.
Now I have let rocksdb know the new compression, but tikv doesn't know it. I have put the new tikv binary under resources/bin and then rolling_update it.When I use tidb-ansible...