belvedere copied to clipboard
An image picker library for Android
Wondering if there would be interest in this. Using this library (or any Zendesk library that depends on it) brings in an image loading library even though we already use...
``` Belvedere.from(it).getFilesFromActivityOnResult(requestCode, resultCode, data, object : Callback() { override fun success(result: List) { } }) ``` success is not triggering sometimes. I tried with same image multiple times. out of...
public void onMediaSelected(List mediaResults) { MediaResult res = mediaResults.get(0); File f = res.getFile(); //here we have null Log.d("123", "onMediaSelected: " + f.getName() + " " + f.exists()); }
Recently we've tried to update to the newest versions of Zedensk SDK on our Android app and we've noticed that the app is crashing on one of our users' devices....
I'm using android 13, no matter what I try, it always says 'permissions denied'. I've followed the setup instructions but they don't list or mention any permissions. I checked the...