for yolov5/yolov7/yolox, refer here https://github.com/airockchip/rknn_model_zoo/tree/main/models/CV/object_detection/yolo
Torch model needed to be exported with torch.jit.trace API. Refer here https://github.com/rockchip-linux/rknn-toolkit/blob/master/examples/pytorch/resnet18/test.py
**RKNPU(Capi)** 1. For **RK1808/RV1109/RV1126**, refer here https://github.com/rockchip-linux/rknpu 2. For **RK3399pro**, refer here https://github.com/rockchip-linux/RKNPUTools (This respository was old, the newer one is coming )
**About rknn.init_runtime with devices connected** 1. **Init Failed** There could be many reasons for the failure of the rknn.init_runtime. Normally it only returns a short code or description. To obtained...
> This was helpful thank you, do you have any advice or insight on a way to use this with python 3.9 (trying to avoid using venvs)? Haven't tried just...
在Win7底下使用VirtualBox安裝Ubuntu18.04再使用docker方式載入鏡像,執行python test.py後出現Illegal instruction (core dumped)
可以单独debug一下是哪个语句造成 Illegal instruction (core dumped). 看起来可能是python的版本问题
conv2d_transpose dilation support is added in v1.7.3. Please update your RKNN-Toolkit and try again.
Hello, Sorry for the miss of this file, here it is. [freeze_inshape_for_onnx_model.zip](https://github.com/rockchip-linux/rknn-toolkit/files/8105516/freeze_inshape_for_onnx_model.zip)