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Plugin keeps getting corrupted with stacked panes in layout

Open ijsnow opened this issue 1 year ago • 0 comments

Basic information

zellij --version: 0.36.0 stty size: 44 214 uname -av or ver(Windows): n/a

List of programs you interact with as, PROGRAM --version: output cropped meaningful, for example: nvim --version: NVIM v0.8.3 alacritty --version: alacritty v0.8.3 rtx: 1.27.10

Further information

I haven't attached the log files because it contains information about my company's private repositories. The issue seems to happen when I leave zellij running for a while and come back to it and I didn't see anything logged in there that seemed specific to zellij.

My project tabs have one pane that is running nvim and another I use as a basic shell. Periodically I'll come back to a tab or my terminal in general and the nvim tab fails to show. If I switch between the stacked tabs the content of the pane is always the basic shell even though the colored outlines are updated to look like its focusing the correct pane.

My layout contains this template which is used several times for each project I interact with for work regularly:

tab_template name="project" {
        pane size=1 borderless=true {
            plugin location="zellij:tab-bar"
        pane stacked=true {
            pane focus=true {
                command "rtx"
                args "x" "nodejs@lts-hydrogen" "--" "nvim"
        pane size=2 borderless=true {
            plugin location="zellij:status-bar"

I didn't have any issues like this until I updated zellij to the current version to start using stacked panes.

ijsnow avatar May 23 '23 21:05 ijsnow