
Results 63 comments of zeginis

@lkitching I tried using a dimension that has values URIs but there is no codelist defined. CubiQL is not working properly: - when requesting the dimension values I get an...

You can try at the endpoint: The dimension `http://example.gr/hello/def/dimension/station_id` has no codelist. The configuration I use: ``` {:geo-dimension-uri nil :time-dimension-uri nil :codelist-source "http://purl.org/linked-data/cube#ComponentSpecification" :codelist-predicate "http://publishmydata.com/def/qb/codesUsed" :codelist-label-uri "http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#label" :dataset-label-uri "http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#label"...

@lkitching I understand that it is not mandatory for the dimensions to have a codelist However, if a codelist for the usedCodes is defined, then it should contain all and...

@lkitching I removed the query that checks if each dimension has a codelist. I left the other query that checks the dimensions that have a codelist if the codelists contain...

The functionality of the existing OGI JSON-QB API: - get all cubes (supported by graphql-qb) - support aggregations (**ToDo**) - get cube meta-data (partially suported: title, description, **ToDo**: comment, issued,...

This is related with one of the best practises we are proposing: https://islab-uom.github.io/qbBestPractices/#definingMultipleMeasures

I have created a google doc to document the search functionality we want to implement. It contains the GraphQL queries that should be supported. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Trw9NM_gUM_qA6aM7t_NaWUCfuQ1ZQeyH7Q8DvcIAy4/edit?usp=sharing

I have addes separete issues for each functionality see: #28, #29, #30, #31, #32

I agree with you that a free text search is also required. E.g find datasets about 'working age adults'. In this case a literal search will return datasets that contain...