Dealga McArdle

Results 512 comments of Dealga McArdle

![image]( verts and vert normals from ``` python import bpy mesh =['parent_cube_Object'].data for v in mesh.vertices: print([:], v.normal[:]) ``` scripted node for vertex normals ``` python def sv_main(radius=0.3,...


![image]( shows spin bmesh



yes that's fine.. but let me fill it out a little further before committing. + some pictures from the docs.

but @Blendify if I don't return to this within a time you find reasonable, you have my go-ahead to do with it what you see fit. sadly i have different...

vtx ![vtx]( v2x ![v2x]( xall ![xall]( e2f ![e2f]( bix ![bix]( ccen ![ccen](

![image]( first synthdef as string, sent sent via OSC to SuperCollider, and triggered and freed. Next step is to generate the synthdef. I think most of the wiring is done...

- [x] only nodes connected send their internal values to global map - [x] globally map `nodename_variablename: variable_value` - [x] if variable is a link to a node, then `variable_value`...