SoundPetal copied to clipboard
Different direction project now called SoundPetal
I've been playing with the idea to make FLOW a visual node interface for GNU GPL SuperCollider. SC already is a node based system of SynthDefs and Groups, based on Unit Generators. UGens can be routed into other UGens.
- Blender can start services from Python (scserver)
communicates withscsynth
via OSC, so that's not a problem - dependency graph for FLOW is pretty stable,
- Timing is handled by SC, (Blender / Pynodes only sends control info.)
The little experiments so far suggest that it will be possible but I will have to learn SC better first.
Here's a set of milestones I think will need to be completed in order:
- [ ] starts scsynth (server) from SoundPetal
- [ ] pipes Post Window from scynth to terminal / STD.out
- [x] send predefined scd files to scsynth to test
- [ ] SynthDef shell node (scripted node reappropriated)
- I think this will involve straight single output for each ugen, where the output is only a string representation of all its settings.
- [ ] EnvGen
- [x] SinOsc, FSinOsc, SiniOscFB
- [x] SawOsc
- [x] RLPF
- [x] XLine, Line
- [x] Blip
Streamlining Node Interface, because there should be very little working code inside these node 'shells' all performance happens on SuperCollider's Server
this is essentially the in_class code now.
class UgenSinOsc(SoundPetalUgen):
''' UgenSinOsc '''
bl_idname = 'UgenSinOsc'
bl_label = 'SinOsc'
sp_args = "(freq: 440, phase: 0, mul: 1, add: 0)"
sp_rate = SoundPetalUgen.sp_rate
def draw_buttons(self, context, layout):
row = layout.row()
row.prop(self, 'sp_rate', expand=True)
def process(self):
freq = self.inputs['freq'].fgetx()
phase = self.inputs['phase'].fgetx()
mul = self.inputs['mul'].fgetx()
add = self.inputs['add'].fgetx()
result = serialize(self, freq, phase, mul, add)
I have not made sound yet.
further abstraction now to:
class UgenBlip(SoundPetalUgen):
''' UgenBlip '''
bl_idname = 'UgenBlip'
bl_label = 'Blip'
sp_args = "(freq: 440, numharm: 200, mul: 1, add: 0)"
sp_rate = SoundPetalUgen.sp_rate
def process(self):
if not len(self.inputs) == 4:
freq = self.inputs['freq'].fgetx()
numharm = self.inputs['numharm'].fgetx()
mul = self.inputs['mul'].fgetx()
add = self.inputs['add'].fgetx()
result = serialize(self, freq, numharm, mul, add)
will add a few more Ugens, including Line before attempting comms with ScSynth
not sure how to deal with multichannel expansion.. looking forward to solving that.
actually, most oscillator ugens can be written like
class UgenSinOsc(SoundPetalUgen):
''' UgenSinOsc '''
bl_idname = 'UgenSinOsc'
bl_label = 'SinOsc'
sp_args = "(freq: 440, phase: 0, mul: 1, add: 0)"
sp_rate = SoundPetalUgen.sp_rate
def process(self):
if not len(self.inputs) == 4:
result = serialize(self)
I think even the process function could be part of the superclass . if all that changes is the number of inputs to count before processing can take place
class UgenSawOsc(SoundPetalUgen):
''' UgenSawOsc '''
bl_idname = 'UgenSawOsc'
bl_label = 'Saw'
sp_args = "(freq: 440, mul: 1, add: 0)"
sp_rate = SoundPetalUgen.sp_rate
def register():
def unregister():
the rest is defined in the superclass SountPetalUgen
included rounding on float types
Splay has this kind of argument list ar (inArray, spread: 1, level: 1, center: 0, levelComp: true)
, which the current codebase wont handle nicely. Time to rethink.
still no sound, but have enough ugens now to start attempting a SynthDef gen
I'll take a break from this Addon for a while and focus on learning SC.
I'm about 1/5 of where I want to be, while still a complete novice, the syntax is making more sense. I've started writing a note-to-self-reference