Zeeshan Mustafa
Zeeshan Mustafa
How can the annotation layer be enabled in pdf.js being used? When try something like following: ``` var promise = page.getAnnotations().then(function (annotationsData) { viewport = viewport.clone({ dontFlip: true }); for...
I have noticed that there is a property `number_of_pages` available for `pdfannotate` instance. Is there a way I can set specific number of page to display, instead of showing from...
My `_Layout` cshtml file (in `dotnet 5 MVC` app) looks something like following, and the `Notyf` had been working smoothly so far. `` `` `@await Component.InvokeAsync("Notyf")` `@await RenderSectionAsync("Scripts", required: false)`...
Implemented OpenAI Edits endpoint. (https://platform.openai.com/docs/api-reference/edits) Added its supporting test cases and updated the README.md accordingly. This will cover (#118) as well.
Fixed [issue #207](https://github.com/OkGoDoIt/OpenAI-API-dotnet/issues/207). (Important: [PR 208](https://github.com/OkGoDoIt/OpenAI-API-dotnet/pull/208) should be merged. The solution contains build errors inside **Test** project, which I fixed in that PR separately)
Fixed Issue [https://github.com/OkGoDoIt/OpenAI-API-dotnet/issues/204](url) 1. Improved `ImageGenerationEndpointTests` by introducing `ImageSize` construction helper method in order to retain access level of `ImageSize` constructor. 2. Corrected `EndpointBase` constructor access level _(changed to 'protected')_...