Isn't this a bug in Delphi x64 compiler?
The patch from this issue may help: https://github.com/SilverpointDev/sptbxlib/issues/107 ``` TTBCustomAccObject = class(TTBBaseAccObject) ... class var AccessibilityFinalized: Boolean; end; finalization DisconnectAccObjects; if NeedToUninitialize then CoUninitialize; if LastAccObject = nil then DeleteCriticalSection(LastAccObjectCritSect)...
Unfortunately, official leveldb not support Windows :(
Default encoding in Linux is UTF-8 and this is unicode and there is no problem, but in Window it is Win1251, for example. So, from C code you must make...
Can you give me precompiled *.pyd for x86 Python?
I can install Python x64 for testing in this case. Because installing Visual Studio and compile lib from sources is more difficult. So, give me your pyd for x64, please?
Test code: ``` python #!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import codecs import leveldb db_path_uni = u'c:\\tmp\\中文-español' with codecs.open('leveldb_uni_test.txt', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write(db_path_uni) db = leveldb.LevelDB(db_path_uni) db.Put('hello', 'hello world')...