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Zed currently already supports syntax highlighting for HTML. Should be low hanging fruit to extend it to support XML.
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XML was a third file I have opened with ZED and I was quite surprised that it wasn't highlighted. 😮
XML support should open up door for other files as well (such as SVG, RSS, etc).
Here are some projects that might be helpful to get this done.
- tree-sitter-xml
- XML lsp (maintained by IBM)
- XML lsp (maintained by RedHat)
Please add XML support! Other much less known languages ​​are receiving support or already have it and XML, which is widely used, does not have highlighted texts :(
In my case I would like this support because I create plugins for Final Cut Pro X and it uses XML as the base of the ".moti" files.
Yes please, xml is a must
If you need a large XML file for testing, here is one :smile: https://www.data.gouv.fr/fr/datasets/cheminements-pietons-dans-paris-dapres-openstreetmap/
If you need a large XML file for testing, here is one 😄 https://www.data.gouv.fr/fr/datasets/cheminements-pietons-dans-paris-dapres-openstreetmap/
🤫 Zed can't even open 500K - 1MB files.
🤫 Zed can't even open 500K - 1MB files.
It seems to open that 431MB file just fine here, after just a few seconds of loading. Not too shabby!
🤫 Zed can't even open 500K - 1MB files.
It seems to open that 431MB file just fine here, after just a few seconds of loading. Not too shabby!
Strange, it works with this enormous XML file, but still can't open my 2.9MB .txt file. Looks like I will have to open new issue.
This is what I get compared to Sublime Text:
@mileusna are you able to share the file for a reproduction ? Maybe it's related to platform-specific bits (I'm on Mac M1).
@mileusna are you able to share the file for a reproduction ? Maybe it's related to platform-specific bits (I'm on Mac M1).
I have opened the issue, here you can find everything, including the file.
XML support is available now in the XML extension https://github.com/zed-industries/extensions/pull/590 https://github.com/sweetppro/zed-xml
Could you pls add also support for *.xsl
you can add something like this to your settings:
"file_types": {
"XML": ["xsl"]
Closing this issue, since the XML extension is now available.
Just wanna say that it feels very weird to have one of the most common markup languages on the planet not supported out of the box.