vcterm icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
vcterm copied to clipboard

Terminal with docking as Visual Code and integrating with helpfull features...


Terminal with docking as Visual Code and integrating with helpfull features...

I'm looking for beta testeur ( charles ( dot ) vidal ( at ) gmail ( dot ) com


  1. Qt 5
  2. qtwebengine

You must clone 3 repository, this will be done by

  1. QSingleInstance
  2. Qt-Advanced-Docking-System
  3. qtterminalwidget :
  4. font awesome :

to make the projet: source

after lauch cvterm.

cvterm man ls : show the man of ls in a webpage.


  1. Embedded terminals inside one docking applicaton
  2. Can show help man page. ( qterm man ls )
  3. Can send the same command to all opened terminals
  4. Can open terminal and send a command from a list a command
  5. Can change font ( size / family )
  6. Can change the background by theme.
  7. Drag and drop path or file.
  8. Choose files/directory by file/dir dialog
  9. Find text in terminal
  10. Docking like visual code.

From githubuser0xFFFF

It's a singleInstance Application , so you can interacte with it with the same cmd.


  1. name : add a new terminal close to the tab name
  2. man : open a web page for the man


  1. -tab : create a terminal in the tab
  2. -righ : position in workspace
  3. -left: position in workspace
  4. -top: position in workspace
  5. -bottom: position in workspace

Program your interface , your workspace.

./dterm &
sleep 1 
./dterm name Term1 &
sleep 1
./dterm name Term2 &
sleep 1
./dterm name Term3 &
sleep 1
./dterm name Term4 &
sleep 1
./dterm -bottom &
sleep 1
./dterm name Term6 &
sleep 1
./dterm name Term7 &
sleep 1
./dterm name Term8 &
sleep 1
./dterm name Term9 &
sleep 1
./dterm -bottom &
sleep 1
./dterm name Term11 &
sleep 1
./dterm name Term12 &
sleep 1
./dterm name Term13 &
sleep 1


When I close a windows , not hide it , but close it and close the terminal.


First Demo

Launch multiprocess ! on all terminal, or launch process in multiterminal

New feature

Blog en francais:

Other interesting projet ( still some bug , I got a core dump )