
Results 20 issues of zeal-up

解数独问题可以看成每次递归解决一个空格,也就是从1-9中选择一个输入填入当前空格,然后递归进去下一个空格。判断行列小正方格中是否出现也可以使用3个二维数组解决,避免使用for循环。代码如下: ``` // #37 解数独 class Solution { private: vector usedRowNum = vector(9, vector(9)); vector usedColNum = vector(9, vector(9)); vector usedQurNum = vector(9, vector(9)); vector result; bool solveSudoIter(vector& board, int...

如果两个皇后位于某条斜线,那么只有两种情况:1.两个皇后的行-列的差相等。2.两个皇后的行+列的和相等,根据这个特性,不难写出如下代码: ``` // #51 N皇后问题 class Solution { vector result; vector curPath; void solveNQueensIter(int curRow, int targetRow, vector& usedCol, unordered_set& usedDiff, unordered_set& usedSum) { if (curRow == targetRow) { result.emplace_back(curPath);...

Hi, thanks for your works of the S3D model, a fantastic job! I have some questions about your paper since the source code is not released. How do you initialize...

Thanks for your job! It really help me so much. It seems that in the deepmind I3D version, they use average pool along the time dimension for the last logits....

Hi everyone, since the ros2 branch is some bug and no more development in this repo, I make a ros2 project with simplified topics version LIO-SAM. Here is the repo:...

## Description I am implementing a program to extract bag file to multiple compression output。I wrote the code refer to [rosbag2/bag_rewrite.cpp](https://github.com/ros2/rosbag2/blob/humble/rosbag2_transport/src/rosbag2_transport/bag_rewrite.cpp)。 Nearly all situations the rosbag2 api works fine, but...


Seems the resnet backbone do not pretrained on ImageNet dataset?

The Inception_v1 have 3x3 and 5x5 convolution layer and the bn_inception have 3x3 and two 3x3 conv layer in the middle branch in each inception module. But it the 3D...

Hi, thanks for your job to reproduce S3D model. I have some questions both of the model. The original paper has no mentioned about the details of initializing the model's...

Hi~,I am recently trying to use the llava_onevision model, I try to follow the onevision tutorial, which seems pretty easy. I run the program exactly as the tutorial, the model...