The API supports, but we did not implement any sample now.
Yes. orbslam is an external plugin.
Now cholmod dependency added, please pull the code with: ``` git pull origin master ```
Please update your gslam version and try again.
Now the Svar is copyable and children things are added.
The cpu usage is high even when it is an empty node where no timer exists. When we use rosbridge of ROS2, the CPU is dramaticly high (over 100%) while...
> I was using the default rclpy along with ros foxy. Just trying to compile this latest version of rclpy, does it works along with foxy?
> > Just trying to compile this latest version of rclpy, does it works along with foxy? > > Do you mean you want to use latest code of rclpy...
> I reimplemented the functional of rosbridge with c++, and now probelm solved. Hope I can share the code if the company agrees.