Martin Ždila
Martin Ždila
I am looking for a way to walk [BezierPath]( evenly to get points and their tangents. I also need to specify initial offset (space). What would be a good approach...
For example if I copy-paste some examples from, eg. `N40°7’22.8, W74°7’22.8"`. Also for example `N 48° 30,6410', E 18° 57,4583'` or `N 48° 30' 38,463", E 18° 57' 27,499"`...
Currently if children contains a function then the function must return array. This way it is not possible to asynchronously read children using this method. Library should support returning promises...
We need to dispatch action in `cancelled$` observable subscriber. Is it OK? Our usecase is: ``` process({ cancelled$ }, dispatch, done) { const pid = Math.random(); // progress id dispatch(startProgress(pid));...
Our usecase is that we add toasts with payload `{ "type": "TOASTS_ADD", "payload" { "id": , "timeout": , "message": } }` and remove them with payload `{ "type": "TOASTS_REMOVE", "payload":...
If the comment contains multiple sentences only the first one is used. This is OK for summary, but there is no detailed documentation generated. Example: ``` java /** * Query...
Please add support for -link also for multiple JAXB projects - when one JAXB annotated class refers other from different project. Currently the referenced classes are in-lined.
I am rendering a map tiles and I use lyon to hatch polygons. The problem is that hatching of adjacent tiles or polygons doesn't match. Please add offset parameter to...
## Expected behavior and actual behavior. I expect gdal2tiles to copy alpha-channel from the input tif (or vrt) to the output png files. It actually generates pngs where output alpha...
After updating from 0.0.17 to 0.0.18 the example in README won't compile with typescript because `style` property is missing in the type. ``` L.maplibreGL({ style: '' }) ```