Results 217 comments of zdenop

Personally I use aspell (as it has implemented very useful options `expand ` and `munch`, and in some languages it use the same "affix rules", so there is no need...

aspell will use the files you provide it (but you will need write access to its `lib` directory `/usr/lib/aspell/` or you can make a local copy and then to use...

IMO you are complaining on wrong place - you should go to creator AdobeHunspellPlugin and raise issue there. Or to replicate problem with tools provided by hunspell project.

If you place your dictionary in the folder that is not in SEARCH PATH then "no available dictionaries" is correct behavior/output.

I am sorry, I overlook it. What is your hunspell version?

I see this: ``` > set DICPATH=c:\temp > hunspell.exe -D SEARCH PATH: .;;c:\temp;C:\Hunspell\;C:\Users\user\Application Data\ 2\user\wordbook;C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\LibreOffice\4\user\wordbook;C:\Program files\ 2.4\share\dict\ooo\;C:\Program files\ 2.3\share\dict\ooo\;C:\Program files\ 2.2\share\dict\ooo\;C:\Program files\ 2.1\share\dict\ooo\;C:\Program files\ 2.0\share\dict\ooo\C:\Program Files\LibreOffice\share\extensions;C:\Program Files (x86)\LibreOffice\share\extensions AVAILABLE DICTIONARIES...

Dictionaries are created by local people/community. You can not expect that developers of library will create dictionary (data) for you. Few second of googling and I find it Or...

send pull request

IMO binary distribution has sense only for Windows. And Windows is MSCV - gcc is minority.